Post # 2

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* Story of courage *


I shifted to Panipat against my parents wish to marry the man I fell in love with. As it turns out, I eventually realised he had no passion or drive to be someone in life and I was the opposite.

I juggled my post graduation with a part time job to make ends meet for both of us.

It wasn't long after I started working that I realised that my boss had a dirty eye for me. He would stare, keep me back at work at odd hours, tease me and harass me. I eventually decided to quit my job to get rid of him, but he caught me in a contract and I had to give a months notice before I could actually leave.

The night before my life actually changed forever, I had a dream about my ailing grandmother. She was crying and kept trying to warn me that something bad was going to happen. The next day all I could feel was this sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach.

I knew something bad was going to happen but I could have never imagined this. This is not bad, this is worse than death. I walked out of office at 7pm and there he was, my doom in the shape of a man. The end of my life had his face covered with a handkerchief.

Like a coward, he doused me in acid in the fraction of a second. I could hear myself screaming but the only thing I felt was my soul leaving my body. I often wonder how I survived but then I realised that I had no hand in that.

Surviving was the easy part and so is existing but living... living is the hard part. I won't lie -- I even tried ending my life, but failed in the attempt.
7 years in, I still seek justice and closure because he's still at large.

I am partially sighted, disfigured beyond recognition and mentally scarred. The sun set in my life a while ago but at least now I have hope that it may rise again one day. After all, how long can the rain last?

One day I'll dance under my rainbow. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow...but someday. Why? Because giving up would mean he wins and I can't let that happen - not for me, not for the hundreds of other girls out there who have been victims of acid attacks."

Via Humans of Bombay

#BeingWoman is 'Courage'

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