Operation Javier: Part 4.1

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Manuela told them everything she knew. When she was 15, she contracted the same fatal disease that her mother had. The Veronica virus was used as a form of treatment and consequently, she recovered. It must have strengthen her cells. However, that was not the answer yet. The virus should severely damage its host's brain cells and if incompatible, it will take them over completely. Even Ashford's researchers were unable to control it. There appears to be no exception to this outside of Javier's treatment of Manuela. Somehow, he had managed to keep her from turning into a monster. One thing was still unclear: How did he do that?

Leon swung his binoculars in an attempt to scan the area outside Javier's mansion. The entrance was filled with trucks and sand bags. The gate that links to the entrance of the mansion was closed and not even a single life form was found at the entrance of the gate.

"Leon!" Javier called out to Leon, causing Leon to turn his head to face Krauser. Leon walked with Krauser and they duo turned their heads to make sure that Manuela would not hear them. "We should take care of the girl before it is too late," Krauser spoke to Leon grimly. "It's only a matter of time, Leon... Before she becomes a threat," 

"Javier knows something. He's been able to prevent  Manuela from transforming," Leon objected. "I have to take her with me and find out how," Leon took out his army-issued phone and passed it to Krauser as he took it and looked at the screen.

"Anti-virus Weapon Protocol number 7600..." Krauser read aloud. "You're on a special assignment for the president,"

"My mission... is to eradicate this virus once and for all," Leon revealed with determination in his words. "And with your help, I intend to do that," 

"Well, I am a soldier and if your orders are from the President then I'm on your side," Krauser spoke, his eyes filled with determination to help Leon. Krauser extended his hand and as soon as Leon's hands came into contact with Krauser's, their grip tightened as a form of trust.

"Let's go!" Leon beckoned.

"Time to kick some ass!" Krauser spoke, holding back his excitement that was about to pour out through his voice.

The trio managed to make their way down from the hill after a short break. The area was still deserted with absolute silence. 

"He sure went all out on security," Leon remarked.

"Maybe he doesn't like door to door salesmen?" Krauser cracked a joke, hoping to lighten up the situation. As soon as he was done with his joke, a voice echoed in the air through loud speakers, breaking the silence.

"Welcome home, Manuela and to my guero friends... " the voice spoke. Leon and Krauser gripped their pistols tightly now as they recognised the voice as Javier's. "Please accept my sincere gratitude for returning my daughter. Now bring Manuela to me and kill the American!" Javier commanded. In front of them, zombies were starting to gather into a horde, staggering towards one another.

"There's so many!" Manuela cried in horror. The duo took a few steps forward to intercept with the zombies when two of them came from the left, running towards the trio.

"Get ready!" Krauser yelled, pulling the trigger first. The smell of rotten flesh was so strong that Manuela felt the urge to throw up at any moment. Both Leon and Krauser shot the zombies rapidly, making sure that they stood down. Leon aimed at the forehead of the zombies, pulling the trigger two times at the two zombies, causing a fountain of blood to spray out from the neck and leaving nothing but bits of flesh.

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