Game Of Oblivion: Part 2

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"That woman... I wonder where she went." Claire asked as she climbed the stairs, standing in front of the area in ruins, the aftermath from the bombing earlier.

"I won't be surprised if we found her dead body," Steve commented, still behind Claire. The floor was still littered with corpse. 

"Let's go straight," she beckoned, walking to the front.

"Hopefully, this will lead us off the island." Steve prayed as they moved on, already on guard for any zombies. A stone walkway was seen in front of them and suddenly, the bats screeched on top of them again, flying on top of them in a group as if they were looking at black clouds. "Bats again! Are they following us or what?!" Steve yelled angrily as he stared at the bats.

"Steve, behind you!" Claire warned as she already raised her pistol. Three corpse were already standing up, trying to attack them. Steve decided that it was just a waste of time trying to kill them. After all, they wanted to get out of this island.

"Follow my lead!" Steve yelled, beckoning Claire as he made a run for it. Despite the bats still flying up in the sky, Steve was undaunted by it and was still running towards a small gate in front. That was when the bats swooped down, nearly hitting Steve and ultimately blocking his way. 

"Heads up!" Claire yelled as the bats were already surrounding them, flying everywhere around them. Claire looked behind while she was still getting rid of the bats as the zombies were already behind them, walking like snails.

"We better get moving!" Steve suggested as they broke through the swarm of bats, ignoring their attacks. Steve broke through the steel gates, swinging when Steve entered hurriedly.

Before Steve could make a turn and start running again, two zombies greeted them, standing at the pathway and blocking them. However, they fell onto the ground before they could do anything with the duo's pistols. Steve turned back and heaved a sigh of relief. Those zombies have not reached them yet. Claire got a better view as they walked further into the area. A large mansion stood magnificently in front of them, still visible because there were a few lights still illuminating. At that moment, their attention was placed on the dogs instead, staring at them as they walked towards them. 

"Here comes the welcoming party!" Steve yelled as the dogs were already running towards them.

"Run!" Claire yelled as she fired a few shots at the dogs before Steve moved into the mansion. After Claire rushed into the mansion, Steve slammed the door shut. 

Steve took a glance as he tilted his head. A staircase was in front of them, leading them to the second floor. The second floor had a very large potrait. "Is it that woman's house?" he asked as he moved on.

"Not sure. It's one hell of a house though," Claire commented. A muffled thumping sound came from nowhere, shocking them as they raised their pistol. "What was that?" Claire muttered to herself, investigating the first floor. A door stood in front of them but as Claire tried to push the door open, it would not budge. As she looked to her right, she suddenly raised the pistol. Steve did the same and found more zombies, walking towards them once more. Once they finished off the zombies, Steve was growling in anger.

"Aren't there any more normal human beings left?!" he asked in fustration.

"How can we find her with so many of these things coming at us?!" she yelled, ignoring Steve's question as they walked to the second floor. Before they reached the second floor, Steve started to mutter something as a sound came from the top.

"Footstep?" he muttered. These footsteps were not belonging to zombies. It sounded more like a human running around. "Is someone there?" he called out, trying to get a response. No reply. As they managed to reach the second floor, Claire managed to take a good look at the large potrait. However, something about this potrait also made a chilling sensation go down her spine.

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