The Day the Lord has Made - A Short Story by @originalthinker26

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"Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known."

--1 Corinthians 13:12 NIV

"But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have..."

--1 Peter 3:15 NIV

"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!"

--2 Corinthians 5:17 ESV

The image of mine awakening to a new day was not so much customary in that the moment in itself was original; instead it was a sort of reverberation, I felt, of things that had been discovered at a prior time and had elicited an explicitly similar pleasure. For it was a pleasure, indeed, when I found myself in my bed, conforming to my shape and will, to expend the time absorbing the warmth of the room and my love beside me. The ceiling and walls were one in the angular downward slope that partitioned from the world as a dome. It was translucent and allowed me to view the world wherever I looked with an entire array of cloud sightings. Perfect, beautiful. It was an Elysium. Everyone and everything was perfect. We were not the first, but my darling and I were the grand-descendents in a long line of perfectly modeled children. Our genes were the combinations of past lives that had been altered in the womb for the best possible result.

In the air there were transfixed bubbles containing words and floating images. The orbs were hung in an array of patterns over the bodies of their owners. Moving in limited, gyrating positions, they were the deposits of messaging. Clasping my hand around one of the little bubbles, I drew it to my vision to observe what my employer might have insisted. In the stead of my employer, it was the friend of Navol's. Concentrated in the holographic image was a glowing signature hue originating as a designated approach to each individual person who regularly connected with my wife and me.

Rather, I looked for the preferred glow of a pinkish hue. Here, I discovered the message I required. Navol had not awakened yet in the morning's bask. On a semi-horizontal plane, the words were held with some space barring in between lines:

"Ni estos devanta pliaj testoj hodiaŭ. La ena punktoj devas esti kontrolita antaŭ ni preni la maŝinon al tribunalo."

To that, I dictated, saying, "Tute volonte, mi devas diri ke mi estos tie."

That is, from my employer's perspective first, "We will be having further tests today. The inner points must be checked before we take the machine to a court."

To which I replied, "Quite willingly, I have to say that I will be there." Of course, it was inherently my choice of whether or not to attend the crucial engineering meeting. At the vicinity of my office, he and I worked with Julian to diagnose the most esoteric issues that revolved around the theoretical quantum mechanics. What we worked on was a revolution against the universe itself!

Not, in fact, was it that I am altogether a deviant spirit, in regards to what few required laws there were in the world. Quite different indeed, because it was a fact that through my partially thieving information from the administration I would make a world of good. I fingered through the last of the bubbles, paying no mind to any that did not address my concerns. I loved Navol, but I did not truly care to pry into her business. Maybe, some of the philosophers in the prior century named the Fandists had thought, even in perfection there was no solace because of a natural resentment of personal inability that was present at youth. This drove people to continuously try and outdo themselves. There were qualms sometimes, in minor things that I did. The propagated belief is that I was in fact the very model of our modern society's archetype. Many times, I had reclined to read from the ancient Greek myths and Aztec legends. Throughout the years, my holo-tutor had been present, and since my childhood he had taught me the languages for a more authentic experience in reading their correct verbiage. There were those hours where my feeble attempts to be divine paled in comparison to that of those gods. Even as fallible as they were, I could not compare to them. Yet again, that King of the gods, Jupiter or Zeus, either/or, possessed common qualities polished into an austere aggregate. An austere aggregate so much like me, and, as my eyes lined with Navol, I realized it was not a matter for the amended harnesses of rectitude. What I implied, in a very grandiloquent phrase, that there was not this sense of duty or ethics for gods, who possessed modified perceptions of everything. Zeus had been the king of mankind simply because he was the epitome of human character.

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