What's Inside?

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1 - The Day the Lord has Made - a short story by the rather talented originalthinker26

2 - All Hail the Old Ones - a short-short story by yours truly, AngusEcrivain

3 - The Girl and the Teapot - a short story by rapidly-becoming-TK-favourite, angerbda

4 - An as-yet invisible article by the wonderful CarolinaC. When she submits it, this is where it'll be!

5 - What Lies After? - a short story by nearly-TK-regular, fallen_tear

6 - False Prophet - a short story by BobJan70. That's right, Bob's given a story this time, too, as well as that awesome cover!

7 - A Little More FanFic? - Results from last month's contest!

8 - Smith & Jones, brought to you this issue by AngusEcrivain

9 - Pantera Fans in Love - an article by TK regular, eyeexeyeeye, because it was left up to me to pick a title. Anyone who gets the reference wins an invisible unicorn.

10 - The Girl Who Couldn't Use a Touchscreen - a short story brought to you by the very talented SFer,  RickTalbot

11 - Brace Yourself, Mildred. It's That Time of the Issue Again! That's right. It's contest time!

12 - angerbda's Science Fictional Nursery Rhyme Corner, this month with a special guest reader!

13 - I Am Ooorah! - a short story by TK's #2 Son, MadMikeMarsbergen

14 - The Community Recommends...

15 - Through the Eyes of an Atheist - an article brought to you by me, AngusEcrivain

16 - His Noodly Embrace - a short story from none other than Ooorah's SFSD-X winner, krazydiamond

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