Chapter 1

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A/N: So I got a request from   for a Watari x Reader book and I thought that was a great idea! Don't worry, the Kousei x Reader book is still going to be updated often too! I am definitely not leaving that one in the dust aha. Anyways, I hope you enjoy!


It was her first day of high-school, and oh boy was she nervous. The (h/c) haired girl had chosen a high-school where none of her friends decided to go to.

Why you may ask?

Well, (F/n) decided to move to Japan by herself to study abroad. Her parents were completely fine with her living in Japan alone.

It's not like (F/n) would be super lonely. She was planning on making new friends, and her parents also promised to visit her every now and then to check on her.

As she walked to school, (F/n) let her (e/c) eyes look at the nature she was surrounded by. It was spring, and the cherry blossoms bloomed beautifully this year. Some petals fell off the tree and onto the sidewalk where she was walking on.

However, she noticed something pretty peculiar. She looked closer at one of the petals that was on the ground. (F/n) picked up the petal to get a closer look at it.

(F/n) smiled, "It looks like a heart!"

(F/n) took her phone out and took her phone case off. She put the petal on top of the phone trapping it inside the case as she put the case on.

She had never even seen a petal shaped like a heart before. So of course (F/n) had to save it!

She continued her walk and eventually approached the school. It was a pretty big building but nothing special. It was light gray building, and it had multiple windows. The school also had a nice soccer turf along with a baseball field.

(F/n) looked down at the schedule she was given.

She mumbled to herself, "Okay so my class is Class 1 in room 220."

She studied the schedule, and then looked at a map she had printed out to find her room number. The next thing she knew, she had accidently bumped into someone and fell onto the ground dropping both the papers in the process.

"Whoops my bad! Are you okay?" a male voice asked while putting his hand out to help her up.

(F/n) looked up at the person. He had messy light brown hair with chocolate brown eyes. And despite accidently bumping into her, he had a cheesy smile planted on his face.

Completely ignoring her offer to help her up, (F/n) got up by herself, "I'm fine."

(F/n) then bent down to get her papers that she had dropped and was about to pick them up. Little did she know, the male was doing the same thing. They had accidently touched hands while grabbing the same paper.

(F/n) gasped and immediately pulled her hand away as she blushed like crazy.

Watari saw her do this and widened his eyes, "Cute." he said in a dreamy tone.

The (h/c) haired girl stuttered, "I-I'm not c-cute!"

She grabbed her papers that she had dropped and bolted into the building.

What a great start for the first day.


A/N: And there you go! I really hope you guys enjoyed this and please let me know if you want me to continue! Well anyways, I hope you enjoyed! A comment, follow, or vote is always appreciated (^▽^).



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Only One for You (Watari Ryouta X Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora