Chapter 5

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A/N: Ahh finally another update! Anyways, I hope you enjoy!


"What's wrong with your leg?" Watari asked in a concerned tone.

"N-nothing, it's no big deal. I'm fine." (F/n) replied trying her best to keep her composure.

She tried to stand up but instead fell right back down on her butt.

Watari laughed, "Do you need help?"

"(F/n) scoffed, "I'm fully capable doing this by myself."

She hesitantly started to stand up again, this time trying to keep balance. When she managed to gain control, (F/n) started walking while dragging her other foot behind her.

Watari sighed and walked in front of (F/n).

He bent down, "Come on I'll give you a piggy back ride!" Watari looked back at (F/n) smiling.

"Don't you think that's pretty childish?" (F/n) asked.

"Don't you think that putting less pressure on your leg is a better idea?" Watari replied.

"You have a point." (F/n) sighed and allowed him to carry her, causing (F/n) to blush really hard.

"But make sure people don't get the wrong idea." (F/n) said.

Watari giggled and smirked, "What, it's not like it's a bad thing."

(F/n) returned his comment with a light punch in his shoulder, "Shut up."


A/N: I know it's short, but I really needed to update! Well anyways, I hope you enjoyed! A comment, follow, or vote is always appreciated (^▽^).



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