Chapter 6

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A/N: Ahh finally another update! Anyways, I hope you enjoy!


The piggyback ride Watari had given her was very awkward to say the least. (F/n) was beyond relieved that he wasn't able to see her completely flushed face.

It felt like it took forever, and when she eventually reached home she was relieved. (F/n) still felt uneasy about Watari, she remembered what the girls had said about him.

(F/n) sighed, "If he is a player, I guess I'll just have to be careful."

~Timeskip to next day~

(F/n) groaned when she heard the alarm clock go off. She slammed it shut and started to get ready for the school day.

Surprisingly, (F/n) had gotten ready really fast. So she decided to take her time walking to school today.

When she walked out of the house, she noticed that it was really nice out for pretty early in the morning. Which made (F/n)'s mood boost up a lot.

"Hi there!"

(F/n) jumped and looked behind her to see Maki standing there, "Uhh hi."

Maki giggled brushed a strand of her long light hair away from her face and smiled, "Let's walk to school together."

It was really awkward for (F/n), the only person speaking the whole time was Maki, and she didn't know how to answer. Maki was so much more different than her after all.

Eventually they had finally reached the school, and they were both about to head towards the front doors.

But when they were about to go in (F/n) noticed Watari inside the building. He seemed to be talking with a bunch of friends.

Maki gasped and ran inside the building, "Watari-kun!"

Watari turned his head and smiled back at Maki, which lead her to run up and hug him.

(F/n) walked into the school and didn't know what to think.

Maki got out of the hug and smiled at (F/n), "Oh! (F/n)-chan I never told you this," she pointed to Watari, "This is my boyfriend, Watari Ryouta."


A/N: Oh no ;-; poor reader chan. Well anyways, I hope you enjoyed! A comment, follow, or vote is always appreciated (^▽^).



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