hello cutie

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I woke up early this morning. Today was my first day at a new school , with tons of people I don't know. Sure it would be a little scary and I'd be way nervous, but I have Bella. At least I hope I do. Dad says most people here are nice. But he doesn't hang around kids my age. I got up after thinking for a while to get ready for school. Bella was in the bathroom, so I guess I can't take a shower. Good thing I took one before we left Phoenix and I have perfume. So I go back to my room and get dressed. I wear a black shirt with skinny jeans. I'm my feat are my favorite pair of Converse. To finish getting ready I brush my hair and put on a little make-up, but only mascara, eyeliner, and lipstick. As I send my friends a morning text a horn beeps outside. Then I can hear Bella practically running downstairs. Great who could that be?  I'm thinking not wanting to look out the window. Instead I grab my thin jacket and walk outside. Dad and two people who I don't really know are standing by a red a truck. He says the truck is a homecoming present for my sister. No fair I want something to, but I can't drive and she can.

"Morning dad." I say after a second observation of no one noticing me. I'm a little more open to starting a conversation then Bella is. My dad and the strangers , one of which is in a wheelchair, turn to look at me. Wow. Is the only thing running through my mind as they turn around.

"Morning Abbie. Sleep good?" He says after a second. I just nod. He turns back around talking to the guy who seems about his age. I think he introduced him but I'm not sure. Oh right he introduced him as Billy Black. The boy who was close to my age started taking to me.

"Hi I'm Jacob. " he said with an adorable smile.

"I'm Abbie." Is all I can get out. But in my head it's nothing but words I could say , but won't. Is it just me or is he hot? Like  the hottest guy I've ever seen . Even his name is cute. Jacob. I suddenly snap out of my thoughts when he starts talking again.
"So your Charlie's daughter right? I mean other than Bella. " he says.

"Yea. But she's older than me."

"Really how much older? "

"A year older. How old are you?" I manage to say even though I'm a bit surprised by his sudden interest in me. I hope we're the same age. Could he like me? No that's crazy.

"I'm sixteen. You?"

Yes. Thank you Lord. Is what is running through my head, but I don't say that. "I'm sixteen to." I tell Jacob with a bright smile. He smiles back.

"Hey Abbie.  Want a ride to school with me?" Bella asks interrupting our awkward moment.

"Yeah sure." I replied quickly glad for the distraction. Then I turned back to Jacob.

"Bye I'll see you later right?" I asked him with a smirk that quickly turned into a smile.

"Yeah. Bye Abbie." He said with a wave.

I then proceeded to get into Bella's new truck. After that we rode to school together talking about the nonsense we always talk about. In my mind I wasn't thinking about our talking. The only thing on my mind was hello cutie.


Omg guys hi. So this chapter is long. Do you like long or short chapters? I'll gladly write either so just choose. I love love love you guys. Team Jacob. Am I right? I know I'm right  cause he is like all hot and stuff. Lol! I'm a fangirl and you can probably tell by my writing but I don't even care. Also I was rereading over my last chapter and realized how many words were misspelled. So please mind any of auto correct's torturous reads it does on me. I truly think it hates me.

I wanted to dedicate this part to one of my awesome readers. Only I'm writing with our WiFi on this particular part, so I can't read the comment she put or her username. But you know who you are so thanks boo. Your awesome and that comment was sweet. Love ya boo.

Please everyone continue reading/voting/commenting and anything else. I love fans who are active. Don't be a ghost reader. Any fans who want to help in any way shoot me a message. My love to each and every one of my boos.

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