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We get to school and some kids say something to Bella about the truck. We keep walking though and don't pay them much attention. In the building we get our schedules and go our separate ways. Trying to find my locker I run into someone and fall.

"watch were your going." I say to the person who made me fall. I wasn't nice to that person.

"I'msosorry. Iwaslookingforsomeoneandinahurry." The boy said all at once rushing his words then taking a few deep breathes. "Let me help you up "

He put out his hand and I grabbed it. Then he pulled me up from the ground. Once I was standing I looked at him for the first time , and we had the same reaction. He was pretty cute , he had dark hair and brown eyes.

"I'm Josh " He said shaking my hand. "And your Abbie, right? I mean I've never seen you around and I know like everyone here, so I'm guessing you're Abbie."

I nodded. He explained how he knew who I am. Apparently he was asked by the principal to show me around. I gladly took the help considering it was a new school and I was completely confused. Josh helped me find my locker , then showed me to my homeroom just as the bell rang. After homeroom he showed me to my first period class, and most of my other classes. At lunch I sat with Bella and her new found friends. Most of the day was a usual boring school day. I had homework from a lot of classes. Good thing though is I made a few friends like Josh , a girl named Olivia , and another girl named Brianna. I met Olivia in algebra , when she helped catch me up on the work. I met Brianna in the gym during P.E , when we played volleyball and were on the same team. Turns out that them three were already friends, but it didn't matter. Overall my first day at a new school was a good day. Every one was nice and friendly, but not overly nice or friendly. The teachers were okay as far as teachers go. It was a pretty good day.


Hey. Filler chapter sorry it's boring. I wrote this a while back but I'm just now publishing it. I've edited and changed it like three times. Sorry it's been so long. To make it up to you does two updates in one day sound good ? *crowd cheers and a screams 'YES'* . Okay two chapters in one day it is.

On a better note, this story has gotten almost 30 reads. That may not seem like a lot to you but it does to me. I just started this because I love twilight and well wanted a twilight story of my own but with Jacob. I hope you're it. Love you boos!

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