30 audition

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Vernon followed Wonwoo around the other night at the concert. Vernon thought he was finding dome girls that are so ice ice baby but was proven false. Wonwoo asked for an audition form and Vernon gasped. He jumped out of his hiding spot and surprised Wonwoo. Wonwoo threw his forms up into the air and Vernon managed to catch one of them.

"Registration forms and audition forms?" Vernon looks up at Wonwow with a disgusted look, "WoNOOOO! You can't leave me! You know what?! I am going to sign up with you!"

Wonwoo and Vernon filled the forms together and hope for the best.


It was a couple of weeks later, the two auditioned for the school. They were well prepared but felt as if they haven't practice for 25/8.

A month after the audition, they both received emails telling them they got into the school.


VerNo: Yo yo yo

Jeonghannie: Vernon you are not a gangster, get out

WonWoo: I have some great news for you!!

Seungcheol: What you have dank memes?

VerNo: Don't we all have dank memes?

WonWoo: No, just yours isn't dank enough

Seungcheol: So what's the good news?

WonWoo: *great

VerNo: Me and Wonwoo auditioned for the music school and we got in

Jeonghannie: Wonwoo and I***

Jeonghannie: Much Grammar


VerNo: You aren't suppose to say that!

Mingyu: So you guys are leaving our school?

VerNo: duh.... Pay Attention! No wonder you are so dumb in class!

Jeonghannie: Dumb dumb dumb dumb

Seungcheol: dumb dumb dumb dumb

Mingyu: Okay enough of Red Velvet

VerNo: -______-

WonWoo: So we are going to be leaving at the end of this month so we can get cozy before we set off for summer.

Mingyu: But wouldn't it make more sense if you guys stay till the end of the year?

Seungcheol: Did SoMEonE sAy 7TH SenSe?

Jeonghannie: NcTu?????

MingHow: CaN yOU StoP TyPIng LikE thIS???

WonWoo: mY liFe IS HamBurGer

read 10:10


Mingyu sighed. If only Wonwoo knows his feelings for him, will that make him stay? Perhaps not... The boy already planned his future, Mingyu shouldn't ruin it for him. Besides, feeling will go away.... Mingyu looked at the last text in the group chat, mY liFe IS HamBurGer written by WonWoo. He sighed and looked at the time. It was 10:10, the only time Hoshi grants wishes. Mingyu quickly texted Hoshi.

Mingyu: I wish that you will grant this wish

Hoshi: *mind blown*

Hoshi: New Phone who is this?

Mingyu: I thought Hoshi grants wishes at 10:10

Hoshi: Yeah, starting at $420

Mingyu: oh

Hoshi: No such thing as free lunch kid

Mingyu sighed and thought about the way they used to be. They were a thing, well only for a while until WonWoo realized his dreams. Mingyu sighed and thought about the other moments that he shared with this boy. Oh yes, the time when WonWoo firsted texted him. The first time meeting him and when WonWoo saved him from a  guitar. Don't forget about the times when WonWoo ate hamburgers with Mingyu, and that WonWoo volunteered to be his bodyguard since he sneezed on people. Mingyu closed his eyes and relaxed, letting his thoughts of WonWoo dominated his entire body as he drifts into sleep. Mingyu fell in love the way he fell asleep; slowly then all at once.


A/N: Last sentence was inspired by TFIOS

YEs I included some crack to brighten the mood up! 

Not done yet, 

SPOILER: the next part will take place in the future :))

Things will be brighter don't worry


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