Welcome to Hogworts!

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It's that time of the year.
The summer was over and the banana was ready.
John-banana was ready to go back to school. But this year he had to go to a new school. One away from his boyfriend, Levi.

This school wuz Hogworts.
Da school of magic and dank memes.

The banana was so excited but then he saw him!

It was Carlos man of love and science.

"What are you doing here, bro," said the banana cumming up to Carlos.

"Not being late for school anymore," Carlos said with a smirk on his face.

Then it was time.

The doors have opened

And the walked inside only to stand in line for the pimping-hat to choose which house they would go to.


Sorry. I was supposed to come out with this at the beginning of the month, I just didn't know that to write about.
Bütt I hoped you enjoyed it.

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