Is that you Jesus?

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The banana has been murdered by his mum! Bill Nye! *gasp*

The banana woke up.
He wasn't in mommy-Bill's house anymore.

"Where am I?!" Asked the banana to nothing as there was only white walls everywhere.

Time skip for about 3 hours.......
"You are in anime heaven.... Welcome" said a tall smol baby boi's voice.

"HEAVEN! Am I dead?" The banana asked the tall figure he couldn't make out.

"Yes, and I am Jesus, Freckled Jesus." Said the figure walking out of the water fall of blood coming out fro the celling.
He was bootyful. He was Marco. Yeah sure, half of his face was gone, but he was beautiful.

"How can I get back down to Earth?" Asked the banana?

"U can't m8" said mlgarco.

The banana looked around the room for a way out then saw that there was a door behind the blood water fall.

"What are you doing!? " yelled Marco.

"Getting out the of here! Bye scrub!" Said the banana just walking out of the room without Marco chasing him.

The banana left and found himself watching kaneki and Hancock making sweet ghoul love.

It was like the banana never even left.

I only made him die cause I really wanted to make a joke about freckled Jesus.

The banana: season 2!!!!!Where stories live. Discover now