Bill Nye is Best Mom

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Da banana was done singing Splash FREE. And then kaneki say a butt

Da butt was nice.
I was a John butt.
But not da banana but

Da but was cock of Han.

He turn around and than hanchiken danced for John-Banana-senpai-kun-chan in da food court of da mall.
The dance was sexy and had ghoul butt.

Then Billy Bug can an danced his butt off in a game dance of dance dance revolution.

"Woooooooooo!" Yeld da banana to krabeki who was not danceing.

"Y am dead?" Questioned Hankack to da word Cry.
Han cock lost dance dance revolution.

Sad day.

Butt then kaneki and John not banana Hancock had ghoul love.

Banana then went home to his mums house.

His mum waz Bill Nye da drug guy.

I hope u enjoy dis crap.
Vote, comment, and follow meh u scrub.

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