Dusk before nightfall (To Love Is To Torment thyself)-4

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Soon I entered the class, which had seating arrangements like that of a modern amphitheatre, that means ascending seating in semicircle only on one side on the class. There were about 8 successive steps with seats.

Ofcourse, when I entered I could feel eyes staring at me, but I just kept looking down and went to the second row and sat next to a girl. This girl had black hair, razor cut. Her eyes were small but long. And what she wore was, a red shirt that was body tight, with black squares on it and a tiny black skirt.

''Hi am Alice!'', she said, ''And you are avan?'' it was a voice that sounded....ummm musical, and was sweet.

''How did you know?'' I had been to this class for the first time and it has been barely another day at NMU.

'welllll'...she stressed on the word...'actually you had been out there with Chris, with him showing you around the University, and all that.'

'So? I mean, he is a student council, and that's why he had to. But how does that help me being known?'...now I was curious.

Alice looked as if she didn't know how to say it, ''well...you see.....Chris Adams...'' she spoke out his name as if he was Robert Pattinson...weird! ''Chris, is the most popular, admired and ummm ....'' Now she looked as if trying to search for a word 'desired guy here.'

Since she was taking her own sweet time talking, I spoke, ''yea, since he is the playboy and also as he had been out there with me for 1 hour almost, that made girls envy me and guys try to know the name of the person that Chris was with?''

She nodded as if trying to tell me 'that's a matter of fact.' I rolled my eyes.

Soon the teacher walked in, Mr. George, a man in his mid thirties, and had a sweet look on his face. ''Good morning students.''

Poor guy received just a few wishes in return, including Alice's and mine.

He was to be my Accounts teacher.' 'Alright students, so we shall begin with 'Accounting for non profit organisation'.''

As the class went by and as the students kept talking or even sleeping, Mr George asked questions to which only few of us would reply. Actually, I had done this chapter in my high school.

Then there went by two more classes of Economics and Business studies.

It all went great. And I was happy.....finally. This is what I had wanted. A life of my own....to not be dominated or ordered by someone else except for my heart and mind, which wasn't the case when i........

Then suddenly Alice interrupted my thoughts,''Hey Avan? The bell has rung already, you coming to the canteen?''

I nodded and still continued staring down and walking. Those eyes that still kept staring were annoying!

''Alice, its good, you don't stare at me the way other girls do and ...'' I broke off wondering if I should say more.

She just smiled back and asked, ''and?''

''well you are just the same as them...'' I looked at her from top to bottom....it was her appearance, ''and yet, you don't give me that dirty look. Honestly when I first entered the university, those eyes made me fear if I would come across people with whom I'd be comfortable and be friends with. But thankfully, all aren't the same. Emily and you aren't......wonder why.'' I admitted.

She laughed at this, and she looked cute actually. ''honey, why am I not the same? Because am not a slut or a bitch like the rest. And yea, if you think my appearance is the same just like the other bitches, then well, you got it wrong. It's the personality, the person you are here.'' She said pointing towards my heart, ''I may walk around in the most miniscule dress, and ofcourse would gather attention but not be considered as a slut until I act as one. And this rule applies not only to me but everyone''

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