Chapter Five

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Joey's p.o.v

"Just kill me already." The nurse looked at me as if I was some psychopath which maybe I am but that's not the point. "I'm afraid we can't do that sir." I rolled my eyes in annoyance. "No shit. Where did Alex and the baby go?" She looked at up at me for the second time and rolled her eyes. "You honestly think there going to come back after the way you treated them? What kind of man are you?" I searched her eyes as I was trying to figure out what she was trying to tell me but finally I gave up. "You're right I'm a monster! I'm a horrible person. But what she did doesn't mean that I don't get to have feelings. I'm human too you know." After I said that she had shut up and left the room to leave me in what felt like peace and quiet.

Alexandria's p.o.v

"Hi are you guys hiring?" This may have been my hundredth application but I didn't care. "Um yes we are actually here's the application but your daughter can't be in here." I look down at Nadia and sighed. "It's only for a few minutes and then I promise we will be out." She nodded reassuringly while I grabbed up Nadia and began filling out the application. You're probably wondering where I am where as they don't allow kids inside. Well I've been filling out applications to become a stripper and pole dancer. Sadly that's my last resort. I signed my name at the end of the application and gave it back to the lady as I took me and Nadia back outside to walk back to the hospital where my car has been idle for months.
"Mommy I'm hungry." I sighed and nodded. "Okay baby lets go get something to eat how about McDonald's?" She smiled a weak smile which I took as a yes and we began our journey there.

"Is a McChicken okay baby?" She nodded fast and I began to order only things off the dollar menu.

"Don't eat too fast sweetheart I don't want you too choke." After I said this she began to slow down. Once Nadia was calm and full I began to pull out my turned off iPhone and connect it to the wifi to see if any of the job places had called. You're probably wondering how are they going to call me if my cell phone is off. Well I have an app that only works on wifi. My eyes gleamed as I had seen I had about three missed calls. I quickly hit re dial and was on the phone with them in a matter of seconds.
"Hello?" I called out trying to remain calm. "Hi yes is this Ariana we are speaking too?" The voice bellowed. "This is she." I replied with dragging out the word she. "We would be delighted to have you come work at our strip club legs. You're first day of work is tomorrow at 8 am be there please." And with that they hung up. I squealed in excitement. I'm finally getting my life together. "Mommy are you okay?" I giggled at her worriedness. "Yes baby everything is finally going to be okay." Okay everything is going to be just okay.

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