Chapter Twelve

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(Alexandria's P.O.V)

My eyes fluttered open as the sun began peeking through the bay window that laid across from me. Scenes from last night re played over and over in my head. Blake saved me again. Blake really is my savior.

 "Morning." a scruffy voice bellowed out. 

"Morning." I replied with quiet shocked as I had thought me and my thoughts were alone. 

"Sleep well?" I smiled and nodded my head. This honestly was the first real relaxing sleep I have had in a while.

 "I'm glad. We've got to get up soon we have work to do today."

 After Blake breathed that out he gently pushed me off of him and left the room. I wish I could see my baby again. I truly miss my baby with all of my heart. Nadia my sweet angel. 

"Are you going to get up any time soon?"

 I turned over to see a concerned Blake standing in the door frame. 

"Eventually. Sorry I got caught up with my thoughts." 

I stuttered out awkwardly scratching the back of my neck. 

"Anything you'd like to talk about Alex?" 

Blake began stepping forward looking more and more concerned with each step. 

"Not really Blake. Just really missing my daughter." 

Blake grabbed both of my hands in his and starred me in my eyes. 

"Alexandria. You will see her. This is for her own good. I can't have you two being hurt again." I searched his eyes for answers but none were too be found. "Hurt by who Blake. I've been hurt my whole life." 

Blake dropped his hands from mine and now grabbed a hold of my face making me look directly in his eyes. 

"Alexandria this man has hurt your whole family. He's dangerous. We cannot have anything more happen to you. Today we are going to sit down and have a heart to heart talk as soon as you freshen up. I need to know the truth as of today. No more playing around Alexandria. These games end today."

 My face dropped as my eyes fell to the ground with it no longer having Blake's hands to support it. The only person I can think of who hurt me and my family is Dean. Dean physically and emotionally hurt me and my family. Family I mean as in Nadia, Joey, and me. But Dean... Dean was locked up...I hope Dean didn't escape. I shook the thoughts clear of my head and began getting ready.

(Two Hours Later)

"Alexandria now we need too talk. How exactly did you become involved with this man." I confusingly looked at Blake like he had two heads. 

"Blake I'm sorry but who are you talking about?" Blake laughed with venom seemingly getting very pissed. 

"Alexandria cut the shit. We all know who the hell I am talking about. And by you asking me these stupid fucking questions is only wasting both of our fucking times and cutting the time we have short. So start talking about Dean Howard." 

I sighed and began thinking back to how I even met Dean.


It was a cold September evening I was about five months pregnant and decided to walk into a bar to get a cup of water. 

"What brings you here beautiful?" I turned around to a man dressed in a fancy black suit with blue eyes and black slicked back hair. 

"Just thirsty." I had mumbled out clearly not interested. 

"You sure you don't need a drink? Looks like you've had a rough day." I quickly glared in the mans direction and blurted out 

"No." He was clearly amused. 

"Well from the looks of yourself I would have to say you're a alcohol virgin." I rolled my eyes. 

"Clearly you're wrong. Now please let me drink my water in peace." He chuckled a deep laugh out. 

"Why would I leave such a gorgeous young lady alone. I am only trying to buy thou a drink."

  I slammed my empty glass on the table steadily getting up from the bar and began getting closer and closer to the arrogant asshole. 


He only smirked and smashed his ugly face against mine kissing me in his warm embrace. Gosh I hated that man so much but something about him made it so hard too get away. 

"Come with me."

 I wiped my lips of his spit and shyly bit my lip.

 "I can't." 

"And why is that?" He puffed out.

"I'm kind of pregnant."


"I'm pregnant."

"My kiss got you pregnant already? Well bloody hell."

I pushed him back trying to hold back y stupid laugh. "No I am pregnant with my teachers baby..."

"Well if you ask me that's not much of a teacher."

"It's a long story no one would understand." I pushed.

"Well I got the time if you do." 

"Fine let's go."

(Flashback over)

"And the rest is history kind of."

"Wow." Blake breathed out.

"Wow what?"

"Nothing It's just... I don't know."

"It's just what Blake?"

"It's just...How could a man so dangerous... seem so innocent."

"You should know that." I stated rolling my eyes.

"Clearly I wouldn't Alexandria because I am clearly not dangerous. Alexandria Blake is currently in search of you. I have you here on high lock down so he cannot find you."

"How did he get out of prison? Why does he want me so bad. Why can't I just be happy."

"Alexandria he wants revenge. He thought it would be you and him against the world. He really loved you and will stop at nothing to take you away from Joey. He even wants Nadia. Dean believes he is Nadia's daddy and not Joey."

I slammed my head in my hands as the tears spilled from my eyes. "This is all my fault Blake. If I would have never ran away and if I would have just stayed with Joey none of this would have happened but no I never listen."

"Alexandria don't blame yourself. Life is just fucked up like that. This will all blow over."

"Blake what if it doesn't!" I screamed out. "What if none of this gets better and one of us ends up getting hurt or even worse killed."

"Alexandria please don't speak like that."


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