Chapter Nine

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(Alexandria's p.o.v.)

"Follow me okay?" He had questioned more then stated. "Sure?" Was all I could get out as we entered the hospital doors. "Go visit Joey and explain too him you will be away for a little and aren't sure of when you will be back." I gulped and slowly entered Joey's room. "A-a-Alex is that you?!?" I smiled and nodded trying my best too hide the fact that I was being held hostage by a complete stranger. "Yes Joey It's me and I need to explain something too you." He furrowed his eyebrows confused but I brushed it off and continued. "Joey I have to go away for a while. I'm not sure when or what day I'll be back but I need you too watch over our baby Nadia. Can you do that for me?" He opened his mouth but no words came out. "Joey can you do that for me?" I questioned again assuming he hadn't understood what I was saying. "Alex yes but I-I-I can't loose you again. You and Nadia are all I have." I sighed as I watched the tear slide down his face. "Joey look you're not loosing me. Just whatever happens take care of our daughter for me. She needs you. I love you Mr.Sanders." I breathed out as I walked out never looking back. "Alex are you alright?" I looked over at Blake who showed me nothing but sorrow and shook my head. "No Blake I'm not. Would you mind if I said goodbye too my daughter?" He shook his head no and I proceeded to the daycare where she had currently resided. "Mommy! I missed you mommy!" A tear streamed down my face as I heard that familiar voice. "Hi baby." I sobbed out as I hugged her tightly. "Mommy where were you! I wanna go home mommy!" I shook my head squeezing her as tight as I could. "Baby mommy has too go for a bit but mommy will be back baby." Tears spurred down her face. "Mommy please no please!" She screamed out now causing the daycare people too stare. "I love you Nadia take care of daddy." I kissed her forehead lingering my lips there as I would miss doing this and ran out of that god forsaken place. "Let's go." I had breathed out with venom as Blake awaited outside looking like he too was about too burst into tears.

(Joey's p.o.v.)

I looked around my room trying to comprehend what had just taken place. Alex told me she was leaving? It seems like everything is a pattern with her. She's always disappearing. I began counting the soothing sound of my heart monitor every minute as I tried too figure everything out but nothing was adding up. "Mr.Sanders is everything alright? Your daughter just had a bad anxiety attack." I quickly shot up and ribbed the wires off of me frightening the poor nurse. "Where is she! Where is my baby!" The nurse looked around frantically but I just shoved her out of my way as I adventured towards the desk. "Where's my daughter. Is she okay!" The lady at the front desk opened her eyes real wide as if I was some sort of crazy man. "Mr.Sanders I assure you your daughter is alright the doctors are calming her now. I will escort you too the room she is in." I nodded impatiently as I browsed around trying too find a possible room she was in. "Just this way Mr.Sanders." First Alex now our baby! "Daddy! Daddy! Mommy is gone!" The tears spilling from her face as she heaved for breath. "Mo-mommy is gone daddy!!!" I hugged her tightly as rubbed her in soothing way whispering calming things in her ear until she began too slowly let surely calm down. "Her heart rate is really high we'd like too monitor it through the night Mr.Sanders." I glanced up at the concerned man who I was assuming was a doctor and just nodded. "it's okay baby it's okay...Daddy's here." She un-nuzzled her head from my shoulder and wiped her pretty little face and looked me in my worry some eyes. "Daddy mommy is in trouble. I don't want her hurt." I furrowed my eyebrows but she slowly went on. "Mommy was with some man. He didn't look very nice. He was glaring inside the room like some monster." I pulled her back into my chest hugging onto her tightly as I re played every single word she had said inside my head trying too fit the puzzle pieces together. "Baby daddy has got to go back too his room the doctors have too monitor you tonight I promise I'll be back soon okay be good for the nice man okay sweetheart?" She slowly nodded applying a wide grin too that beautiful face of hers. "Okay daddy." She said as I kissed her forehead and left. I'm going too find Alex and get her out of this trouble Once. And. For. All.

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