Chapter 3

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AN: So sorry for the wait again! I don't have any excuses other than I completely hit a blank on my plot for this story! I know what I'm doing now, don't worry haha and it's written down just in case 3 Thank you for all the comments and favourites! I apologise for any mistakes, I'm real tired. Love you all xxxxxxx


Clarke's eyes never left Emerson as he stalked his way closer and closer to the table, her heart was thundering in her chest and all she wanted to do was cry but she found herself unable to. She knew, deep within herself, she knew the reason why she could not cry, she deserved this. Whatever he was going to do to her, she deserved all of it and more.

He glared at her before smashing her head against the table and crushing her windpipe with his hands, a snarl over his face as he spat at her. "You killed all my people, my friends, my family! And if it were up to me... I'd kill you right here." He released his grip on her and turned away.

Clarke was choking, she couldn't breathe and she was more than sure that he had killed her but her mind was going over drive as she tried to comprehend what he had said. 'If it were up to me' What did this mean? Who was in charge? She let out another ragged cough before trying to ask him whom was making these decisions. Then he walked in. Cage Wallace. Cage Wallace, alive and well (minus a hand). She was terrified.

"Hello, Clarke. Seems like you and Emerson have been reacquainted." He said with a dark chuckle as he took slow steps towards the table. He placed his remaining hand underneath her chin and brought her gaze round to face him.

Clarke tried desperately to regulate her breathing as she looked him dead in the eyes. "Wh- What are you going to do with me?"

He smirked at her and for the briefest of moments she thought of Bellamy she found herself longing to be on the receiving end of Bellamy's mischievous and cheeky smirk, rather than the dark and vengeful one Cage was giving her.

"Oh, nothing. Other than make you scream." As he said those words Clarke felt it, an immeasurable amount of excruciating pain. Cage had been nothing but a sneaky, slimy distraction to allow Emerson to get one of the drills they had used to extract the bone marrow and force it through Clarke's skin and into her flesh.

Clarke's eyes were streaming with tears as she bit down on her lip with such force she drew blood, she did not and could not allow herself to scream for them but with every new wound inflicted on her she found her strength slipping away. She wanted to die, she couldn't take it much longer but thanks toher doctor training she knew that her body still had a long way to go before dying. That's why they were being careful, they were not here to kill her only to cause severe amounts of pain and they were succeeding.

Her lip trembled as she closed her eyes, she knew she couldn't take much more before the scream that was buried away let itself loose and in knowing that she found herself realising exactly what she was: Weak. Pathetic. A monster...

A scream tore through her throat and echoed it's way through the entirety of the Mountain and Clarke knew then she would scream until she bled to death, that was what she thought until Cage slammed his hand onto her mouth. "Now, Clarke. We may be so kind and merciful and stop this if you repeat after me: I deserve this."

Clarke eyed him, blood, sweat and tears blurring her vision. In her heart she knew he was right, she did deserve this and then some but she was selfish and human she didn't want this. As Emerson raised her t-shirt and cut into her skin with a scalpel, she cried as she spoke the words. "I deserve this." And she continued to say it as he carved a word or symbol into her.

"It says monster, in case you were curios." Cage said with a wicked grin that disgusted her but all she could reply with was;

"I deserve this."


As the rover pulled up to the drop ship, Bellamy nearly fell out of the damn thing as he tried to get out. He was sure, so very sure that Clarke would be here and it filled him with such hope a smirk was playing across his face.

He made his was over to the drop ship and was about to storm inside when he heard Raven shout out to him. "Woah! This isn't your old domain Mr. Rebel King. There would be anything or anyone in there. You gotta protect yourself.' She said with a wink before chucking him a gun.

Bellamy nodded his gratitude towards her before slowly pulling back the curtain, it was empty. His heart sunk all the way to his boots as he looked around their old home and his face scrunched up in anger as he yelled. "Clarke!? Clarke where are you!?"

Upon receiving no reply, he found himself trying to fight the tears that were brimming in his eyes so he stormed out of the drop ship and attempted to get away from the group.

Octavia looked at him and began to follow him "Bell-" she started.

"O, don't. I don't wanna hear it." He mumbled, sniffing. He brought a hand to his face and squeezed his temples before rubbing at his eyes. He would not cry, it was not happening. When he opened his eyes, Octavia was right there.

"Hey, big brother. Listen, I know it's hard and it's scary but we'll find her together. Promise." She said to him with such sincerity as she grasped his arm that it considerably lifted his spirits and he was shocked to silence when he looked at the others who, we're all nodding in agreement.

"We'll find your Princess." Raven said with a teasing smile.

"Clarke is strong, she will be fine and we will find her." Lincoln said definitely.

"Let's face it, we need Clarke. She holds us all together." Monty said gently, he missed her.

Jasper didn't say anything but even that couldn't really anger Bellamy right now. He had to thank them all but found he couldn't find the words to express himself without sounding incredibly silly. Thankfully, Octavia shushed him.

"You can thank us all by telling Clarke how you really feel about her, when we find her." She teased with a wink before turning back to the others, whom had all heard and were wide eyed and grinning. They all knew. God damn it, was his feelings for Clarke that apparent? He really had fell for Clarke, it felt like he had fallen from the Ark for her.

Octavia's little stunt and everyone's agreement on telling Clarke about his true feelings had Bellamy as embarrassed and flustered as a little kid going on his first crappy Earth Observing date back on the Ark. He knew they were right though, if they found Clarke he would have to tell her how he felt. Maybe she would stay then, if she knew that there was someone who loved her no matter what she has done.

As the others got prepared to go, Bellamy was leaving a sign to tell Clarke that they had been there and that they were looking for her. Just in case, she came back this way.

Bellamy hadn't even seen Jasper approaching him but held back a frown when he did see Jasper kneel down by the sign. "I'll never understand how you do it Bellamy."

He frowned now, what the hell was the drunk talking about? "Do wh-"

"Love a murderer." He whispered before rising and returning to the rover.

Bellamy glared at Jasper and wanted to throttle him, beat him until he remembered just how much of an Angel Clarke really was- IS. He almost did just that, until he remembered they didn't have time and it was not the Clarke Griffin way. She would have been disappointed.

Just before they all left to try their next stop, the bunker. Bellamy hung the sign and whispered into the air, praying that Clarke would somehow hear him. "I'll find you, Princess."

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