Chapter 11

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AN: Hello my lovelies! I know I haven't updated in way too long and I'm so so very sorry about that! I want to take a little moment to thank each and every one of you for your continued support! You're all what makes writing ever more fun that it already is. Now, here's chapter 11 I hope you all enjoy it! There's quite a lot going to happen in this one! Love you all very much! XxxxxxxxxxxxxX


As the sun rose and a new day began for Arkadia, it became incredibly busy even more so than usual. Everyone had some kind of job to do in preparation for the feast tonight.

Bellamy however, didn't awake at his usual time he was exhausted from everything the past few days had brought into his life. When he finally did get up he was momentarily shocked to realise he wasn't sitting in that damn led bay chair but was actually in a bed. He rolled his head round and any worry he had felt was washed away when he seen Clarke snuggled into his shoulder, he could barely even feel her there. He smiled lightly and gently brushed her hair out her face, he considered just staying here for the full day and 'forget' about the duties he was given.

Seconds later whilst Bellamy was looking to her, Clarke's eyes fluttered open and she gave a sleepy yawn before realising Bellamy was there.

"Morning, Princess." He almost cooed at her.

"Were you really watching me sleep Bellamy?" She asked but there wasn't even a trace of annoyance in her voice, more a shocked curiosity.

"I could look at you all day everyday Clarke. You're beautiful." He admitted softly, it was surprisingly easy to talk to her like this. It had never been easy with anyone else, he had always felt like a stupid softy. It occurred to him how being a 'stupid softy' didn't matter if it was with Clarke.

Clarke blushed at him before leaning in to kiss him. He kissed her back passionately and soon enough they were both lost in the moment. They held each other close only stopping for seconds to take necessary breaths.

Bellamy's hand softly wandered downwards as they continued to kiss before Clarke jumped back. His heart plummeted and his eyes widened, he was an idiot an absolute idiot. "C-Clarke, Clarke I'm so sorry." He said quickly wanting to take her hand to offer some kind of comfort but decided against it, he didn't want to scare her anymore than he had already done so.

Clarke bit at her lip in an attempt to stop the tears that were glazing her eyes, how could she possibly think of Cage here? Now? She desperately tried to remind herself that she was with Bellamy. All her efforts proved fruitless for it didn't seem to matter how many times she tried to convince her mind that it was Bell's soft and gentle touch and not Cage's violent horrible one, her mind just wouldn't accept it. "It's okay Bellamy, I'm sorry." She managed to whisper.

Bellamy felt his heart crumble, she had nothing at all to be sorry for. He couldn't believe what he had done, he got up quickly and walked out of her room. In his heart he knew he should have stayed but he just couldn't cope with the fact that he had caused that look of pure fear in his brave Princess' face. He heaved a sigh and violently rubbed at his eyes to stop any tears from falling as he went to find Kane and do whatever he was instructed to do.

Clarke let herself cry now but it was a silent seemingly endless river of tears that streamed down her bruised and cut face. She buried her face into the pillow and failed to get this horribly persistent thought out her head; Cage had ruined her life in every way possible, he had gotten everything he wanted.


As the day drew on many Grounders walked through Arkadia's gate in what would be their first gathering in peace with Skaikru now one of the 13th clan. Even Commander Lexa was there showing it was important even, what was known as the Sun Feast. It was the biggest Sunset of the year, the Grounder's believed it was the end of Summer.

Broken StarsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora