Chapter 7

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A/N: Hello! Okay guys I seriously need to apologise for the delay on this! I fell out of my schedule and that can be quite a scary thing but I'm back in a routine now which means I have time to write! Yay! I found this chapter difficult to write after the finale, I just really lost my muse because I was so sad and I started and binged Game of Thrones which I loooove -Dracarys- and that didn't really help with writing this, whoops. So I thank you all for reading and for the amazing feedback, I apologies for any mistakes and I love you all very much!


The day's dragged on for Bellamy by Clarke's bedside, refusing to leave her side even after Abby and Octavia's nagging. Abby was worse though because she said things like 'Clarke wouldn't want you making yourself ill like this' and he could see her then, Clarke Griffin waking up only to chastise him for not sleeping and barely eating.

He gave a small light chuckle and gently squeezed her hand before lightly brushing her golden hair out of her face, taking care to avoid her cuts and bruises.

Her seemingly never ending unconsciousness had given him ample time to think about a lot of things, especially his feelings for her. He had more than once swore to tell her if she ever woke up, he wouldn't waste anymore valuable time.

Only when Clarke's had been so violently stripped away did he realise time was a gift that had to be used wisely and whether or not she felt the same, he would confess his love to her.

With a longing smile, he remembered how his feelings for her evolved over their time together. When they first met, he was adamant she was just another spoiled Princess with no brains that would never survive down on the Ground. Oh, how wrong he was. With every encounter they had with each other he loved her more and more.

His thoughts were interrupted by the sudden shouting outside the med bay, Bellamy jumped to his feet which he regretted because he was met with an almost instantaneous dizzy feeling. He waited for his head to clear before looking to the doors, a nervousness bubbling in his stomach.

The nerves that were eating away at him were gone as quickly as they came when the doors opened to reveal The Commander.

Lexa looked nothing like her usual self, her war paint was gone but she didn't need it. She looked as if she was just about to step into the biggest war of her life and perhaps she was. "Bellamy. I cannot thank you enough for finding her the trust Clarke always had in you was not misplaced." The words were honest but also slightly rushed adding a desperation to her voice.

Bellamy stood silently for a moment, too bewildered to ever stutter a word before he finally managed a nod. "I would have died out there before I came home without her." He said whilst returning his hand to Clarke's motionless one.

Lexa's eyes darted to their hands before looking back to Bellamy and offering the smallest of smiles. "I am sure Clarke would have brought you back to life only to scold you for dying."

Once again Bellamy was bewildered as The Commander echoed his earlier thoughts but he gave a minuscule smile in return before realising something. "You want a minute alone." It wasn't a question, he knew that's what she needed.

Lexa eyed him for a moment before nodding slowly. "If possible, yes. I want to- I-" All at once the mighty Heda found herself stuttering when Bellamy moved to the side revealing Clarke's unconscious body on the bed.

He gave her hand another little squeeze before beginning to walk out the room, it was incredibly hard for him to leave her but he would do it for Lexa. Clarke would want it. "Will you shout if anything- if anything changes?" He asked her.

Lexa could only nod, no words escaped her lips as her eyes were fixed on the broken girl before her. It was terrifying.

She had no idea how long she'd been standing there when she finally registered that Bellamy was gone. She slowly made her way towards Clarke, taking cautious steps in case a wrong step would do more damage.

Once at Clarke's bedside, she slowly sat down and grabbed her hand desperately trying to keep the tears away that were threatening to spill down her cheeks. "Clarke... I'm so sorry."

The Commander hadn't felt pain like this except for when the Ice Nation had brutalised Costia but this, this was different. She could only imagine what Clarke had endured and she could only see her arms and face, what painful secrets were the bedcovers hiding. The tears fell freely after that thought, she couldn't bare the thought of those disgusting Mountain Me- not even men monsters causing such horrific injuries to Clarke.

This was how their first minutes were spent, our hours, Lexa couldn't be sure how long she had been there studying every single injury she could see. Eventually, she worked up the courage to speak. "Clarke, I don't know if you can hear me but you have to come back. You can't... You can't leave, it's not your time yet. I-" Lexa's hand flew to her mouth as she desperately tried to conceal a sob that threatened to erupt from her throat.

"I don't want to loose you." She said with a quieter cry and she suddenly felt so selfish, perhaps it would be more merciful to let her go. Lexa knew that if she woke up, Clarke would be in an incredible amount of pain and Lexa wasn't sure how to deal with that thought. Clarke finally waking up only to be screaming in agony, it scared her more than anything else had ever done.

This was how they remained for a time that was too intense for Lexa to keep track of, it could have been minutes but it could just have easily been days when she got to her feet. It broke her heart to leave her but now she knew that Clarke was definitely as 'safe' as she could be given the circumstances, she had to get back to Polis. Titus and her entire council had frowned upon her need to visit Clarke but she hadn't cared after all, she could always discuss it further on her beloved balcony.

She gently held Clarke's hand for a moment, trying desperately to remember every small part of her hand in case it was the last time she would feel it. "Please come home Klark kom Skaikru." She whispered gently before turning to leave.

Lexa spoke again with Bellamy and ensured he promised to send word as soon as Clarke awoke or... Didn't. Soon after, The Commander was on her horse and riding back to Polis.


Bellamy returned to the med bay almost immediately after Lexa left and flopped back into the seat with exhaustion. He ran a hand through his hair and pinched the bridge of his nose, whilst letting out a tired sigh.

He looked to her then and gave a small, almost witty smile as he took her hand in his own large one. "Hey, Princess." He called gently as if he didn't want to wake her.

His other hand came to the side of her face as he looked to her. "Can you remember Unity Day all those months ago? I told you I didn't know what I'd wish for?" He said and let tears start to glaze his eyes, too tired to even fight them. "I take it back. I'd wish for you Princess."

Upon saying those words he felt the tears slowly trickle out his eyes, past his freckles and down onto their intertwined fingers. "You once told me you needed me. Clarke, I'm here and I need you." He whispered before nervously biting his lip before speaking again, his voice laced with pain.

"I love you."

In all honesty, he had expected her to awaken then and everything would be perfect, it wasn't. Nothing changed, he laid his head on their hands and let himself cry. He never cried openly but if he was really going to loose his princess, he would cry and no one would stop him.

He suddenly felt a featherlight touch against his cheek that initially scared him but he felt no need to jump away. It became humbling as his imagination took over and he felt his Princess' hand gently cup his cheek and wipe away a tear.


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