Chapter 12

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AN: Hello my lovelies! Currently sitting in Maths and I have no idea how to do any of it so I'm going to update for you all! I love you all and this story way more than Scientific Notation anyways!! I'm not sure how many more chapters you can all expect from Broken Stars I wasn't even sure I'd make it this far but I will finish it and hopefully you'll all love what I've got coming!! Thank you all so so much for all the wonderful feedback you're all so beautiful and lovely!! Loads of love and enjoy this chapter!!


The people of Arkadia where all exhausted after last night, the festival had taken it out of all of them. Whether it was due to Monty's Moonshine or their tiring chores it didn't matter, they all sought out some kind of relaxation. Many of them - like the Guards couldn't afford to waste time but those that could took advantage of it.

Bellamy and Clarke were together taking a walk outside at Clarke's request as she had wanted to 'talk' which made Bellamy more than nervous. He knew he had taken it too far yesterday and this was her telling him to back off, he wanted to shoot himself for being such an idiot. He could not lose her now not after everything they had came through, he simply couldn't.

Clarke stopped in her tracks when she realised they had found a little bit of privacy just outside the gate. They felt safe enough to do so now they were part of the clans, even though the Ice Nation were still a threat. She took Bellamy's hands in her own and looked to him with soft eyes. "Bellamy, I'm sorry."

He immediately tried to dismiss the very idea that she had anything to apologise for but she shushed him before he could utter a word. "You need to let me apologise Bell, I need you to understand. I-I don't know what happened with Cage, I can't remember if he hurt me or not and it's making me crazy. I think I had a flashback yesterday or something but I want - no I need you to understand that it isn't your fault and that I do want that. I do want you Bell, I just need you to be patient with me if you can." She whispered in a soft voice but every time it broke as she tried to say the difficult things it broke Bellamy's heart.

Bellamy tentatively wrapped his arms around her and once he was sure she was comfortable with him doing so, he tightened his hold on her in an attempt to make her feel safe. It worked. "Clarke, of course I'll wait for you. Hell I never thought I'd be saying this but I Bellamy Blake would take a vow of abstinence if it meant you'd be my Princess." He said with obvious sincerity.

Clarke chuckled at that as she leaned into his embrace before reaching up to plant a soft kiss on his lips. "I don't think you'll need to do that, Bell." She whispered once they broke away.

They spent the rest of the day walking through Arkadia just talking, Bellamy throwing a couple of jokes in simply to hear her beautiful laugh. It occurred to him how much he had missed this and how easily it could have all been taken away, he was so infinitely grateful that they had got to her in time. Even though she was a little damaged, she was still here and if anyone could overcome all the badness that had plagued her it was Clarke Griffin.

As they began to near the entrance to Arkadia's main building her gaze caught sight of some of The 100 and she was once more reminded of her previous thoughts on her people. "You know, while I was in Recovery I had an idea." She murmured, glancing up to see if Bellamy was listening - he was, intently.

"What if we took The 100 back to The Dropship? We could settle there, that became our home and I'm sure everyone else would prefer it to -" She gestured to where they were sitting, quite miserably. "This." 

Bellamy wasn't sure if the admiration and love he had for her would show through his gaze that rested intently on her. He pulled her close and gently kissed her forehead. "You're amazing, you know that?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2016 ⏰

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