Chapter 8

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A/N: I honestly have no idea how to apologise for my absence! A lot of stuff happened in my life but I know you guys don't wanna hear that, you wanna see what happens right? So I won't bore you with all the silly details. I'm just really sorry for being gone so long because I know how annoying it is to enjoy a fanfiction and then have to wait for an update. I hope you enjoy this update and I apologise for any mistakes! -I feel this chapter is somewhat messy- I love you all so much!!! xxxxxxxxx


Bellamy's heart stopped for a single second as he tried to comprehend what was happening. Was he insane? Had Clarke really woken up? He couldn't even lift his head to check, if he did and she was still lying there motionless he didn't think he'd recover from that. He didn't think he could recover from such intense false hope that his Princess had actually returned to him.

The temptation however, proved to be far to much for the 'Rebel King' and he slowly peeled his gaze upwards. He was met with two beautifully alive blue eyes. Her eyes looked broken and pleading but they were still alive, Clarke was alive and staring at him. Waiting on answers from him.

He refrained from jumping to his feet and grabbing her into a joyous embrace in case he hurt her more. "Clarke! I didn't think you- I thought you- I missed you so much." He said gently grasping her petite hand.

Clarke's mind was reeling, everything was way too fast as she tried to focus on Bellamy. He had saved her, she was going to be okay now but... Did she deserve it? It wasn't just her head that was going too fast now, her heart rate and breathing were gaining spew with every moment. In her damn well medic mind she knew this wasn't good, she was panicking and for every damned deep breath she tried to take everything just got worse.

Bellamy soon caught on and looked to her wide eyed and worried. "Clarke? Clarke come on look at me you're going to be okay." He urged desperately, trying to calm her down he just couldn't allow Abby to sedate her moments after finally getting her back but if this panic attack didn't calm down soon it looked like the next option. It was then he made a split moment decision, he leaned in closer to her and pulled her into a kiss. It was fast but filled with passion, it wasn't how he wanted their first kiss to be but it was still just as magical.

Clarke's breathing and heart rate slowed dramatically before increasing but in a much better way and she couldn't help but smile. Before she fell back into the pillow and tried to focus on Bellamy's face before slowly starting to speak to him. "Bellamy I'm so sorry." She said in a whisper as her grasp on his hand desperately tightened.

Bellamy's own eyes softened as he looked to his Princess before tears started to come to his eyes again. "Don't you dare apologise for anything, Clarke. I thought I lost you and I-" He stopped himself before he said anything else, anything she wasn't ready for.

"I love you too." 

Bellamy's eyes shot up to meet hers quicker than anything he'd done in his life, he couldn't even reply to her. All he could do was stare at her in shock, did she even say that? Was he hearing things now?

"I heard you Bellamy, on some subconscious level I heard every word you said and I love you too. When they had me in there and I thought I was going to die all I wanted to do was tell you before I went, I love you and I need you too." She said desperately wanting to be in his arms but she could barely move with the pain running through every part of her body.

Bellamy was holding her in seconds, trying to avoid any of her injuries in case he hurt her more. "Princess I love you more than all the stars we could count up on the Arc."  

They sat there for a few blissful moments and they both in those moments felt like everything would be okay. Until, Clarke tightened her hold on him and let out what could only be described as a whimper. "Bellamy get my Mum, please."

As much he didn't want to leave her he couldn't deny her, she was clearly in pain and there was no chance he was going to give her any medication in case he accidentally did more damage. He kissed her forehead as gently as he could before sliding off the bed and running for the door.

He ran past everyone he encountered, completely ignoring his acquaintances, friends, and family until he finally found Abby Griffin speaking with Kane and he couldn't help but realise how exhausted she looked. It suddenly occurred to him that he probably looked worse than that but he was just about to give the best of news to the Chancellor. "Abby! She's awake!"

It looked as if the years were washed away from Abby Griffin as she hears those words before a look of worry crawled it's way onto her face. "She must be in agony..." She said choking back a sob before looking to Kane. "I'm more than sure you're capable to deal with this meeting." She said with a little smile before joining Bellamy in a run back to the medical wing.

After first of all administering Clarke with heavy pain killers she then examined her daughter with the utmost gentleness. "It's a miracle you're awake Clarke, thank you for coming back to us." Abby said with teary eyes as she gently hugged her daughter before gently kissing her on the cheek. "I love you so much." She said warmly before wiping the tears from her eyes and starting to get up before Clarke grabbed her arm, slightly groggily.

"I love you too, Mum. I'm so sorry." She murmured and Abby quickly dismissed her before going over her chart and looking to both Bellamy and Clarke.

"I'm not going to waste my time saying no visitors because I know your friends will find a way in to see you but-" She now looked to Bellamy. "Tell them to go easy on her, she is emotionally, mentally and physically exhausted." She instructed still wiping away tears.

Bellamy stood to attention as if he was receiving war commands and nodded towards Abby before sitting down beside Clarke's bedside. "Do you want to see them? Cause if not I'll make sure they don't get in." He said with a little smirk her way before it turned to a silly smile when he seen her.

Clarke's eyes were heavy and she had her own silly grin on her face, the painkillers had definitely kicked in and for that everyone was incredibly grateful. The wounds were still more than visible but at least she wasn't feeling the pain as badly now. "Suure! I've missed them all so much you know? They're my family and I never should have left them. Never should have left you." She said whilst grabbing his hand.

One by one the delinquents heard the news and one by one they came to Clarke's side. Octavia and Monty were crying with relief and happiness, Raven had a teary grin spread over her face, Lincoln stood tall with a proud smile over his face. Jasper didn't come, he didn't feel like he deserved to see her that was something Bellamy would have to fix.

Bellamy's chest started to tighten as Clarke didn't respond to any of them all she did was stare off and occasionally nod in answer to their questions. He frowned slightly and started making up excuses for her which strained his heart even more. "She's just really tired." "Abby gave her a lot of painkillers."

They all started to notice Clarke's distant behaviour and worry started to crawl over them and eventually Raven tightened her grip on Clarke's hand and gave another little grin. "We'll come back later, give you all the gossip. Right guys?" She was met with various agreements by them all and slowly they said their goodbyes and each giving gentle hugs.

Bellamy walked them all to the door before hugging his sister and turning around to go back to Clarke. She was turned away from him looking to the ground and he could bet anything from the way her fragile form was shaking that she was crying. He slowly made his way over to her before her voice stopped him in his tracks.

"You should go Bellamy, you're exhausted." She said gently, a teary shake echoed it's way through her voice as she tried to make him go. Bellamy was having absolutely none of it and he frowned before sitting on the bed and pulling her closer.

"I'm not going anywhere Princess. Even if you're a little broken right now, I'm going to help you put the pieces back together and then do you know what? We'll take our kids on holiday." He joked lightly while holding her close.

Clarke let out an incredibly soft chuckle before biting her lip and slowly looking round to him. Her pain filled beautiful blue eyes pulled at every damn heart string he had and broke them then and there. "I know I'm broken Bell but... I just don't think I deserve to be fixed."

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