Bonus Chapter 2

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The child turned away from the other padawans, they didn't understand him, what had happened to his family. It was true the one who killed his mother and the rest of his small village was apparently good now but that didn't change anything to make up for the murder of the only family he had... not even this training. At the moment the masters were busy, leaving the small group to practice their meditation on their own, which gave him the perfect opportunity to sneak out. Despite the small group he knew no one would miss him... he was always the one in the back of the group staying to himself.

"Just wait... someday you'll see what kind of monsters you're training under." He growled under his breath before slipping from the room.

Once he was free from the temple though the boy realized he didn't know where he was going to go, he obviously couldn't stay on this planet, they would find him. Perhaps he'd be able to convince someone to fly him off in return for some work? With that in mind he started heading towards the nearest trading port, a lot of people would be there with a lot of places he could set out for. Most of them ignored his presence all together, though some of them cast him a glance upon seeing his garments... he should have found at least a few minutes to change into something else.

A hand grabbed him from the side and he tensed as a blaster was held to the back of his skull while a woman's hand covered his mouth. "Are you lost little Jedi?"

He glanced at her, shaking slightly, before shaking his head no... Hoping she wasn't going to kill him.

A man in the shadows spoke next. "Let him go. He won't know anything, we can't risk starting another war so soon."

"But General-"

"Release the boy."

He staggered away as the woman pushed him back before staring at the two figures, his eyes widening. "You- your those wanted First Order members..."

"Smart, for a Jedi scum." General Hux sneered and stepped forward. "Maybe we should kill you before you blab that mouth of yours."

"No, no... wait!" He held up his hands in surrender as he saw Phasma raise her blaster. "I could use your help."

The pair glanced at each other for a millisecond before staring back at him. Hux still seemed disinterested but gave the cue to continue.

"That woman killed my mother and my village. I want her dead... I don't care who is taken down in the process but I know I can't fight them alone."

"Brave words for a tiny child like you." Phasma scoffed at his plea. "This could be a trick."

"I could kill you now if I wanted to." He bluffed and reached for his training lightsaber, something that would burn but not cut... not that they would know that. "Now tell me, do we have a deal?"

Hux looked like he was going to give the execution signal for a moment before glancing back the way they had probably come from. "We can't train you in the Force, you'll have to learn yourself, but we are readying an army. You could be of use eventually, we have a ship waiting, come with us if you really want this but know that if you betray us we will kill you on sight."

He nodded, no intention of betraying them crossing his mind. "Great!"

He swore Phasma muttered something under her breath as he followed them but at this point didn't care. He was free of the Gray Jedi, free to walk were he pleased in order to get his revenge. The Gray Jedi might've taught dark and light side techniques but only the dark side could provide him with what he wanted... vengeance on the family he lost. 

And this is the official end to TFA Brother's series! However, if there is enough interest I might write a next gen with the children. Just leave a comment below if that interests you!

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