Chapter 3: Saying Goodbye and A Parting Gift

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It was was a bit before dawn. Pocahontas had been up at least an hour before that. She was sitting on top of the large cliff they had that viewed the whole village and was by a huge river and waterfall. She proceeded to sigh heavily as she knew she would be leaving with Haytham for however long she needed to help him and his comrades for. For however long her assistance was needed. Pocahontas had a small frown on her face. She was going to miss everyone. Rain. Spirit. Little Creek. The elders and her father. Pocahontas knew that it wouldn't just change for her, but for everyone and everything here within the woodlands. 

"Pocahontas! Your father and the white man are down here! Come on!" 

Little Creek yelled up at her from the small boat he had been sitting in made by the native people. Pocahontas looked down as her legs were dangled over the edge before she proceeded to use her left hand to push herself and climbed up onto her two feet. She appeared, from Haytham's, Malik's and Little Creek's view, to go down the hill, only to see her figure launch off of the end of the cliff. Her hand preformed a diving position and her body plunged into the water below, almost getting Little Creek wet. 

The sun's rays were now gently caressing the water as it began to come out from the horizon barrier that had blocked its light. Pocahontas had not surfaced for a few moments before she tipped the boat over, knocking Little Creek into the cold, yet soothing water. Her father laughed along with Haytham, who simply chuckled. 

"Is this a normal thing?"

"In a way my old friend. Pocahontas is like the older sister of Little Creek. Although, I have never seen it at their current age. Little Creek will miss her dearly but if anything, it is for a great cause. "

"Yes. I am afraid so. As soon as we are free from some work on the goal we have, I will bring her back to visit." 

"Thank you Haytham. We will keep that within our minds."

"Of course."

And with that, both Malik and Haytham watched the boat being flipped onto it's rightful side. They both had climbed onto the boat and Pocahontas and Little Creek had began to ring out their clothing. After working to get rid of most of the water that caused their clothes to stick to their skin, Pocahontas grabbed her long, ebony black hair out, ridding it of the water. Once she finished with the previous task, she sighed and Little Creek spoke to her. 

"We will miss you gravely. You are the one who brings meaning and life to the village. Although we know that you must venture out at some point within your life. If you ever see Ratohnhake:ton again, tell him that we all said hi to him and would wish to see him once more. "

"Of course I will. I have missed him as well. I will make  Ratohnhake:ton visit whether he likes it or not.

And with that, they shared a hug before they paddled the boat over to Haytham and Malik. Once they had pulled the boat to the riverside, they stood next to one another and looked at Pocahontas' father and Haytham also standing side by side. Pocahontas managed to look over at Haytham and make eyes contact. deep brown eyes meeting a lighter shade of brown colored eyes. As they locked eyes with one another, Malik spoke up. 

"I hope you plan on hugging your father before you leave."

Pocahontas struggled to pull her eyes away from Haytham's own and succeeded in the end before she almost tackled her father goodbye. 

"I will miss you father. But this is not goodbye. If anything, this is just the beginning of a time without one another. "

And Pocahontas was right. It was not goodbye. It was the beginning of an adventure for the both of them. For Malik, It was the beginning of part of his life not having to watch or worry for his daughter when he was gone. As for Pocahontas, it was the beginning of life outside of the village. Away from the villagers, her father, Little Creek, and away from her home land. It was also the beginning of her experience for love and trust. 

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