Chapter 5: The Discovery, the Argument and the Decision

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The cool air around both Haytham and Pocahontas picked up, blowing wind through their hair and clothing whenever it could slither through the attire they wore. Pocahontas shivered a bit. Not because it was cold but because it seemed to give her goosebumps once it ran over. Like a small chill on a nice, Summer day.  Although nothing was said for a short time, it was not an awkward silence. It was a welcoming silence. A peaceful one at that. Pocahontas looked over at Haytham, who had his eyes closed as the breeze washed over the both of them. She didn't wish to disrupt the calm feeling that she knew they both felt and shared but needed to know what their first task was. When she went to speak to Haytham, he had spoken to her and his eyes opened to reveal those deep brown eyes that he contained. 

"We should be on our way for our first task. Our first task is handling some issues with the economical disputes revolving around the people here in Boston. But we also have to handle some of the civil wars between here and in New York. Mostly in New York. Is that alright with you?"

Haytham asked Pocahontas when he looked at her, awaiting for her approval before they continued on. He wanted to make sure that she was comfortable as this was all new to her and rushing her into would not turn out well for the both of them.   

"Yes. It is fine with me Haytham. We should hurry before the sun sets today. Lead the way."

Haytham only nodded before he began to walk down the streets of Boston with Pocahontas. On the way there, they had small discussions on Pocahontas' past years in the village before they began to discuss how Haytham met all of his allies. He said that he had seeked them out and over time, some became more than allies. Some even friends. Pocahontas smiled a bit, seeing as how important they must be to him. 

"It seems so nice to have those friends that sometimes, you can call them family."

"Yes it is."

And with that, they stopped conversing between one another before they began to handle the Economical disputes in Boston's streets. Once that was done, something was off to both Pocahontas and Haytham. As if someone was watching their every move. Pocahontas and Haytham shared a look before they began to walk once more. Only to still have that same feeling follow them wherever the walked.

The feeling disappeared after a while as they traveled to New York to finish their job for the day. Once they handled everything there, Pocahontas looked around before she swiftly turned around and dodged an attack directed towards her. She didn't know why or how she grabbed her tomahawk to block the attack but she did. She proceeded to use all of her strength to fight off the strange hooded man before she pushed him away from her and stood her ground. She then proceeded to see Haytham stand next to her, ready to attack. 

"Who are you?"

Pocahontas asked in English, hoping that she would get an answer. Instead, she got silence.

"I believe that the woman asked you a question."

Haytham said, chiming into the conversation bound to happen. 

The strange tanned colored man said nothing for a bit before he spoke. 

"Pocahontas? Is that you?"

Pocahontas couldn't help but recall that the voice was familiar. She paused for a moment, studying the younger male in front of her before her eyes widened a bit and she took down her hood, allowing all of her ebony black hair to fall out from behind the hood. 

"Ratonhnhaké:ton? You have grown up...Why are you here? Why did you attack me?"

"I saw you with HIM. I thought you were a Templar in Assassin clothing..."

"Assassin clothing? That explains the similar attire I have to yours...But still, why do you want Haytham?"

"Because he's a Templar! He's the reason why my mother's dead! Why my village burned down! He ordered Lee to burn down the village....That's why he must pay."

"And even if he has what good will vengeance do you Ratonhnhaké:ton? What will it gain you? Have you even thought that he has people who care for him? Who treat him like family? Think for a moment before you even DARE to speak another word."

Pocahontas growled, for some reason, stepping in front of Haytham, giving a growl as if she were a wolf protecting another. Haytham watched this, seeing the hold she had on his son and the power within her words and voice. He couldn't help but be lucky that she had volunteered to be his companion throughout his quest.

Although, the native woman had a point. What WOULD vengeance do for him? What would it gain for him except the loss of his father and the fact that he did have people to mourn for him. 

  Ratonhnhaké:ton could see that Pocahontas cared for him. In what way, he did not know. But he had to retreat before other Templars came for Haytham and maybe even Pocahontas or to kill him. He frowned and spoke.

"You have a point. But this does not change things. " 

He stated to her before narrowing his eyes at his father.

"I have no idea what you have said or done to her. But she will not protect you forever. Soon, she will realize who you truly are and there is nothing that can change her mind later on. Make wise choices. Because it may be your last one before you know it."

  Ratonhnhaké:ton began to walk away as he turned around but Pocahontas had called to him, only to have him turn his head back to her. 

"Lay a hand on him, you'll have to go through me. You'll have to kill me before you EVER touch him. You know what war it would bring upon not only yourself, but to my father and the other villages. Maybe it is YOU, who needs to make wise decisions. For it could be YOUR last. Everyone has wondered where you have been. Maybe you should put their minds at ease before you throw threats around."

Pocahontas said, confidence in her voice, strength in her posture and power behind every word she spoke. Both men were in shock, on how such a childish, caring and beautiful girl, could become as vicious as a wolf when she felt that her loved ones were in danger.  

  Ratonhnhaké:ton couldn't help but stare at her for a moment before he walked off. Pocahontas watched him leave, slouching a bit as she wanted to run after him and tell her how sorry she was. But she knew that she couldn't. If this meant that the young male and herself had to ruin their friendship, she would do it. If it allows him to learn that he and his father, meaning Haytham, would have to let their anger towards one another out with words or let it slide in order for them to become a family. 

At this moment in time, Pocahontas knew that was her goal.

The goal she needed and wanted to complete before she moves on to the next life. 

To reunite Haytham Kenway and  Ratonhnhaké:ton as a family.

Not enemies.

Not comrades.

A family.

Of two.

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