Chapter 4: Meeting the Other Templars

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 After riding for at the least  30 minutes to an hour, they had finally arrived at Boston's outskirts. Pocahontas looked around in wonder as she saw many women dressed in long dresses that exposed too much cleavage for her own liking. How they could handle such dresses, she would never know. As their horses trotted through the busy streets, Pocahontas spurred Spirit to catch up to Haytham as she fell a bit behind. Once she caught up, she proceeded to look around in awe. 

Haytham, who noticed her appearance just now after they rode away from her homeland, chuckled quietly to himself. Or so he thought. 

"What seems to amuse you Haytham?"

"Hm? Nothing. Just watching you look around so curious about everything is what I find amusing. Is that bad?"

"No. I was just curious."

"My point proven Pocahuntus."





"Yes. That is correct."

"Sorry about that."

"You are not the first to mispronounce my name. I do not mind...I might have to use a new name for the time I am with you traveling..."

Haytham could tell that she didn't want to use a false name but he had to tell her that her heritage wasn't really accepted among everyone in Boston. 

"Yes well...We will think of something...Would the name Grace suffice?"

Pocahontas tilted her head at the name, before she went to pronounce it. 




"Yes that is how you say it."

"Grace...I find it somewhat appealing. "

"Very well. You'll be called Grace. Grace Slimic."



"Such a strange name...But I suppose it will do. Where are we heading to?"

"To the tavern of which my allies lie for now."

"What should I know of? Of these 'allies' of yours? How do I know that I can trust them?"

"Well. They are my allies and people I trust. That is one. Another reason for you to trust them is because they take our work seriously. We work as a team. Together if that clarifies it." 

Pocahontas nodded at his words before she spoke once more. 

"These allies...Are they Templars like yourself?" 

"In a way. I am a higher up Templar. If that works."

"I see. Very well. I will take your word on this. "

And with that, it was silent for a few moments until they had reached the tavern. They dismounted the horses and Pocahontas spoke to them in native tongue, to stay put before she went to walk in. Haytham grabbed her arm and held her in her spot before he cleared his throat once she locked eyes with her. 

"Um...On your sash...The strange shaped one...That needs to be hidden from my allies sight. They will not take lightly to you if they see it."

Haytham, said, locking his eyes with her before she nodded and looked at her belt, seeing the assassin symbol and took it off her sash before she placed it within her bag. 

"Very well. Shall we go?" 

"Yes. Now we may go. Apologies."

"Do not fret over it Haytham. Thank you for warning me of it." 

Haytham could not help but give her a small smile and walking inside, Pocahontas by his side. They entered and Haytham lead the native woman up the stairs and over to a bunch of man, only to have one run over to him, speaking to him. 

"Master Kenway! You are back. I assume you got what was needed?"

"Yes I did Charles."

Haytham paused and glanced back at Pocahontas, who gave him a small smile before he looked back at the men and clasped his hands together as he cleared his throat, gaining their attention.

"Gentlemen. I wish to introduce you to someone who will be guiding us through these troubled times. Gentlemen. Meet Grace Slimic. Our assistant." 

On cue, Pocahontas stepped up beside Haytham, placing her hands in front of her and gave a small smile to them all. She wasn't sure what to say or do so all she did was glance over at Haytham before receiving a small curt nod before she gave a slight bow to them and spoke gently. 

"Hello. My name is Grace Slimic. It is a pleasure to meet you all. I hope to be of great assistance to you all in the future." 

She then proceeded to step back beside Haytham, who smiled softly at her before he spoke. 

"In the meantime, she will be by my side and will be following me as I handle tasks. Any questions?"

There was a pause before no one spoke.

"Very well. Grace, come with me."

And with that, Pocahontas, or 'Grace' followed him out of the tavern and spoke to her softly. 

"Great job."

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