Another Bottle Down brustoff

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Requested by young5sosfan

Bens POV
We just finished another show here in LA which is one of my favorite city's to play in because the crowd is usually amazing here. But not today, today's crowd decided to through bottles and chant "we want danny" at Denis. When shit like this happens it just really pisses me off. Like what's the whole point of buying tickets to our shows if you are going to do shit like that. We chose to go on stage any way because a few fans actually paid to see us play for them. "Hey guys, where is Denis" I asked the guys when I noticed that we all managed to escape the screaming fans but I can't seem to find Denis anywhere on the bus. " I thought he was with you. Since you are always protecting him." "Well I'm going to go out and look for him. Call me if he comes back." I say as I put on a hoodie so that the fans don't recognize me. I walked around the entire venue and still no sign of Denis. I'm starting to give up, maybe he's already on the bus. I start walking back to the bus but as I'm walking past an ally I hear something, "help" I hear someone somewhere groan. I walk over to the ally "Denis is that you" I say to the lump on the floor."Ben? Help me please" As I run over to Denis I notice he has some pretty bad cuts on his perfect jaw line. "Den Den are you okay?" "Yea I'm fine just help me get to the bus so I can rest" "who did this to you?" "The same people saying they wanted Danny back and through bottles am me" he said with a couple of tears rolling down his face caused by the pain going through his body while getting up from the ground. "Ben can you carry me, my ankel really hurts when I walk" without responding I picked him up and carried him bridal style all the way to the bus. "What happened to Denis" the guys said in unison as I walked in with Denis in my arms. "We'll explain tomorrow, but for now I'm going to clean his wounds and let him rest." I gently lay him down in my bunk because I have the bottom bunk and he has a top bunk. I wouldn't want to risk dropping him. "Just lay here while I go get the first aid kit" "well were you expecting me to walk away" "you probably got the shit beaten out of you for being sassier than Gerard Way"I mumbled to myself as I went and go the first aid kit. "Ow it stings" said Denis as I finished cleaning his wounds. "I'll just let you rest now, goodnight Den Den" "can you stay with me Benji" he said with a cute puppy face. "Umm I don't think we'll both fit in one bunk" "please" "fine move over a bit" I got into my bunk next to him. "You were right we don't fit" "well we could cuddle if you want to?" I asked hopefully. I wrapped my arms carefully around Denis's skinny and fragile frame."thank you Ben. I don't know where I would be without you" "you would be in an ally" "you are such a smartass" he said with a smile on his lips "but I'm your smartass" I said gently placing a kiss on the top of his head. "Denis I have something to tell you and now seems like a good time to say because you can't hit me out of anger or run away in disgust" "stop rambling Ben, just tell me I promise I won't get mad. As long as you are not kicking me out of the band already." "Don't ever think I would kick you out. And what I want to tell you is well um I kinda like you in a not so friendly way" "I like you too" he said with a huge grin on his face, his smile is most adorable thing in this world "no your curly locks are more adorable" "um did I say that out loud" I said with a slight blush on my cheeks. "Yes, yes you did" "Denis can I kiss you" I asked softly and he responded by nodding his head. I lean in and place my lips on his. The kiss wasn't sex driven like any other kiss I've had, instead it was soft and passionate without any crappy lipstick smudges just Denis's soft lips. It was simply perfect.

Sorry if it wasn't as fluffy as you wanted it but I hope you enjoyed it.

His face is so perfect I wouldn't want to ever be in the same picture as him because I would look like a potato next to him.

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