Chapter 4

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4. Chapter 4


Monday afternoon || Hollywood Hotel

After they got back to the hotel, Callen let Nell put her clothes away in the bedroom.

"By the way," he asked her, "which bed did you pick? I didn't see any indication of which one you wanted."

"I thought that since you were the agent in charge, you should get first choice of the bed." she replied.

"Well, normally I would take the one closest to the door. But both of these are about the same distance away, so whatever one you want, just take it."

Nell flopped down on the bed closest to her and said, "I guess I'll take this one."

"Okay, I'll leave you alone so you can change into your outfit. When you are done, just come out into the next room."

"Do I really have to?" Nell said apprehensively.

"Nell, please believe what I am going to say to you. This is not going to be an easy mission, for you or for me. But it is a mission. What you wear won't change who you are, just like what I say and do on the missions that you listen to up in Ops, do not change me. I will tell you right now, I will not hurt you, and will try my hardest not to let anything else hurt you, as long as you are my partner. I will have your back, just like Sam always has mine."

"I believe you, Agen...I'm sorry. Callen. It's just that I have never worn anything like that before, and I am so embarrassed. I know I won't be able to pull this off."

"Let me be the judge of that, Nell. Now I'm going out so you can change."

. . . . .

Callen heard the doorknob to the bedroom open. He turned his head and looked at her. He was just glad that he was sitting down, or else he would have been knocked over with the sight. Up in Ops, Nell Jones was cute, bordering on the attractive. Dressed the way she was right now, she was incredible. Hetty really knew what she was doing when she assigned Nell to work with him. And he really owed Hetty a bottle of good scotch for choosing him to work with this awesome creature.

When he didn't say anything right away, Nell turned around and fled back into the bedroom. She threw herself onto her bed and started crying.

Callen quickly followed her and asked her what was wrong as he sat on the edge of her bed.

"I knew you would see right through me. I look like a little kid, dressed in a trashy Halloween costume."

"God, Nell! Nothing could be further from the truth. This was such a change from what I normally thought about you. In Ops, you are attractive, wearing your cute dresses, and directing us with that fantastic mind of yours. No one seems to notice how much of a woman you are. But dressed like you are, no one, not even a stone statue, would confuse you with a little kid, and the only Halloween party you would go to dressed in that would be triple X rated."

"You don't think I look like a freak?"

"Not at all. You look like a delectable, desirable woman. I'm glad that you have that collar and that I don't have to physically touch you. If that were the case, I don't know if I could keep my hands off of you."

"You're just saying that to get me to continue this operation."

"Nell, you have no understanding of how seductive you look. Any man that looks at you cannot help but be aroused. Parading around like that, you cannot help but cause uncontrolled sexual desire in the people who see you.

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