Chapter 9

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9. Chapter 9


Early Wednesday Morning || Hollywood Hotel

Callen had laid there for at least ten minutes, surprised that he had slept so long. Nell's body still remained snuggled up to his chest, his arm under the blanket still holding her close. He tried removing his hand from her breast, but when he tried to move it, she moaned her displeasure and desperately grabbed it and held it there.

The senior agent was also getting somewhat embarrassed. His hand on the young woman's breast was causing normal developments in other parts of his body. With her snuggled so close, he knew she could feel his growing arousal. He had to move or sheer lust would seize control of the two of them, something she wanted to delay until the case was over.

He raised himself up on his elbow and whispered in her ear, "bathroom".

She squinched her face up in disapproval but mumbled to him, "come back," as she left go of his hand.

He went into the bathroom and added a ten-minute ice cold shower to his normal morning routine. Hoping that would help take care of things for him, he dried himself off and returned to join her in bed.

She had already fallen back asleep, so he made sure that there was a little space between their two bodies. His arm was again enfolding her, but this time it was on the outside of her shirt. He closed his eyes, thinking how nice this could be as a normal way to wake up for the two of them. He never knew when sleep again claimed him, and those pleasant thoughts became sensational dreams.


Later that Morning || Hollywood Hotel

He woke as Nell grabbed his hand again and placed it under her shirt again. This time though, she was using his open palm to massage her nipple. He swore that she was purring or giving off some sort of pleasurable sounds, as she did that.

Callen snuck a quick peek at the clock over on the dresser. He could not believe that it was almost 9:30 already. He had slept more last night than he did all last week. Certainly this little Nell Jones had a calming influence over him.

He pulled his hand away from her breast and reached out and grabbed her other arm. Rolling her over to face him, his face seemed to light up the room with the smile he was showing her. "Morning," he said to her, his voice soft and sweet.

"It is a very good morning," she replied, as he sensed a hunger in her guttural voice.

He leaned in and kissed her, using his tongue to play with her lower lip, until she opened her mouth and gave him access. She deepened the kiss, trying to fight for control for a few seconds, then surrendering and allowing him to show her just how fantastic one of his kisses could be.

. . . . .

But that wasn't to be the case, at least not at the present moment.

His phone rang, and he knew that there was only one person who would be calling him at this time.

"Good morning, Hetty," he said without even looking at the caller ID, not that it would give the correct information anyway.

"Good morning, Mr. Callen. I trust that you and Ms. Jones are having a productive time so far?" she asked.

"I'm putting you on speaker, so Nell can hear you too. I imagine that something has gone wrong that you are calling us now."

"Not really wrong," the older woman said. "It's just that the timetable has been moved up a bit. Eric caught the last girl being picked up at LAX yesterday, and we got a call that our meeting would be on Friday night, instead of Saturday. We tried to delay it one more day, but they absolutely refused. Twenty-five thousand dollars US has been wired to an offshore account to get you a viewing of all the girls prior to the auction. You would then make your purchase and then we would hit them."

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