1- Fem!America x Reader

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(A/N: This one is pushing the limit of what I would consider 'clean', so don't read if you don't like that type of thing. IT IS NOT A LEMON/SMUT THOUGH. I DO NOT WRITE LEMONS. I REPEAT, I DO NOT WRITE LEMONS.)

You sat at the meeting table, your head resting in you hands, your eyes drooping a little. Listening to Germany talk made you feel quite tired. Right when you were about to fall asleep, she called out your name.

"(C/N)! Are you paying attention?" She said, crossing her arms. You nodded, even though your eyes were still half closed.

"Mmmhmmmm," you murmured, your head suddenly slipping out of your hands, causing you to hit your forehead on the table. That definitely woke you up. "I wasn't sleeping, I'm awake," you replied, sitting bolt upright in your seat.

"Try to pay more attention please. Danke." Germany replied, rolling her eyes.

"Dude, if you fall asleep again, I'll have to hit you with my bat!" America yelled out, laughing hysterically.

"I don't think that's necessary," you replied, glancing over at her. She had her bat in hand, slowly hitting it against her other hand.

"I zhink that we should take a break for a while," France said, fixing her hair for a second.

"For once, I agree with the frog," Britain replied, sighing.

"Ja, alright," Germany said, standing up.

You headed to the break room, where food had been supplied. You sat down at the table next to Denmark and America. America was shoveling hot dogs into her face at an alarming rate, and Denmark was eating what looked like some kind of pastry.

"Damn, it's hot in here," America said, pausing for a second before continuing to eat.

"Well, you are wearing a jacket. Just take it off," you replied, rolling your eyes as you grabbed some food from in front of you. America stopped to think about your suggestion, and then unzipped her jacket, throwing it behind her chair. Under her jacket, she basically wore nothing. All that she had on was a crop top, which tied in the front. The rest of her chest and stomach were completely exposed. Your mouth fell open as you glanced at her boobs. And man, did she have boobs. Little did you know that she caught you staring.

"(C/N). My eyes are up here," she laughed. Your cheeks turned bright red out of embarrassment. You were going to turn back to your food, but the chair you were sitting on had something different in mind.

You fell out of the chair, landing on your back on the floor. You hit your head on the ground, causing a pain to spring up from the back of your neck.

"Ow," you muttered, rubbing your neck. America got up, and stood over you.

"That's what you get for staring at my boobs," she chuckled, her hands on her hips. Suddenly, an unknown force gave America a shove, causing her to fall over and land on top of you. That unknown force was France.

"Ohonhonhon~" she laughed. "Oui, America does have good boobs, but (C/N) has better," she said, turning around to saunter off.

"What? No way!" America yelled, getting off of you.

"Ja, I agree with France," Denmark said, smirking.

"Keseseses~! France is right, mädchen," Prussia chuckled.

"Da," Russia said quietly.

"How do you guys even know this? You've never even seen my boobs!" you said, standing up.

"Yeah, I obviously have better boobs! I'm the heroine!"

"Non," France replied, crossing her arms.

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