3- Fem!Canada x Reader

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((A/N: Beep beep. Here, have this oneshot that I wrote really quickly. It's kinda shitty, but enjoy.))

It was late, yet you were still up, messing around on your laptop. You did this every night, just spending your time browsing through tumblr or watching weird videos on YouTube. You didn't go to bed early, as you were never tired, so you would have had a hard time sleeping anyways. Browsing the internet for a while helped you get tired so you could actually go to sleep. After a while, you finally got tired, so you turned your laptop off, setting it on the nightstand. Curling up in the already-warm blankets of your bed, you closed your eyes, intending to fall asleep. You had been trying to fall asleep for a few minutes when suddenly your phone started ringing, making you jump in surprise. You quickly grabbed your phone, straining you eyes against the bright light. Your friend and crush, Madeline, was calling you. It was late, so that meant that whatever she was calling about, it was pretty important. You quickly clicked talk, putting the phone to your ear.

"Hello? (F/N)?" Madeline's quiet voice came from the phone. She sounded tired and panicky. There was a bit of waver to her voice, suggesting she was about to cry.

"Hey Maddie. What's up?" You asked, moving to turn your bedside lamp on. You were a little worried, not sure of what happened. She would only call at three in the morning if there was an emergency, so something must have happened.

"M-my house. It burned down," she managed to say, sniffling quietly. Your mouth fell open in shock.

"What? When?" You asked, quickly getting out of bed.

"I-I don't know. I just got back from w-work, and it was completely burnt to the ground," Madeline said, voice getting a little quieter. "C-can I come over?"

"Yeah, of course. Do you want me to come pick you up?" You asked, beginning to pace around the room. This was so sudden, and you couldn't imagine how frightened Madeline was. She was probably in shock right now.

"N-no, it's alright, I'm already on my way," Madeline replied, her voice shaking as she spoke. You felt bad for her; her house had just burned down with all of her possession in it. "I-I'll be over in a few minutes," she said, hanging up.

Sure enough, five minutes later, the doorbell rang. You rushed downstairs, quickly opening the door. There Madeline was, eyes red and puffy. She had obviously been crying. In her arms she held her cat, who had luckily escaped the fire. She quickly stepped inside your house, letting the cat jump out of her arms as she went to hug you tightly.

"(F-F/N)... My house..." She whimpered, crying into your shoulder as she hugged you, staining your pajamas with her tears. "I lost everything," she sobbed, eyes squeezed shut as she cried. She was even getting tears on her glasses. You hugged her back, gently petting her hair to try and calm her down.

"Shhh... It's alright... Everything's going to be okay..." You said softly, trying to comfort her. She just cried harder at this, and you couldn't help but feel like crying too. Maddie was a soft woman on the outside, but on the inside, she was rather tough, so she rarely cried. When she cried, it made you cry. "You can stay with me, alright?" You said, eventually trying to pull away from the hug, only to be hugged tighter.

"I lost all of my hockey gear!" Madeline suddenly exclaimed, sobbing harder now. She was really passionate about hockey, and she played on a really good team. It was kinda weird, though. She wasn't concerned about her expensive TV or computer; the only things she was worried about was the hockey gear.

"It's alright, Maddie. You can get brand new gear," you said, trying to cheer her up.

"It won't be the same!" She cried stubbornly, groaning in frustration. You continued gently petting her hair, trying to get her to calm down again.

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