6- Fem!Iceland x Reader

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((A/N: Sorry it took so long! Suggested by AnneiChan! Here ya go!))

Five years. You two had been together for five years, and it would be six this December. Elin Steilsdòttir, your girlfriend, had asked you out on a cold December day, and that day was one of the luckiest days of your life. You had been crushing on the cute Icelandic girl for months, and, well, apparently she had been too. You couldn't have been any happier to be her girlfriend, even if her parents didn't support her sexuality or either of you. But that was too bad--at the time you started dating, the both of you were already nineteen, meaning you were legally adults in America, where you two lived. Elin had moved to (Your State) years back, but had transferred to your college at the beginning of the year. So of course, you had fallen in love with her. What could you say, you had a thing for foreign girls! Your first girlfriend, who had dumped you after three months, had been from France, and your girlfriend way back in high school had been a exchange student from Germany. So yeah, it was safe to say that you had a thing for foreign girls. 

You and Elin seemed to click instantly. Your personalities contrasted in every single way, but that was why you fit together so well; like yin and yang, or darkness and light, or any of those other stupid metaphors. You just... fit. Your relationship wasn't perfect, though. No relationship was perfect. You had fought multiple times, but you two were able to talk it out, find out what the problem was, and fix it. There was no hiding these things until it caused a breakup. You were open and honest with each other, and perhaps that's why your relationship lasted so long. It was ongoing, really. You were still together and you hoped that you would be forever. It sounded cheesy and all, but you knew that you two had been meant together. You were the one who brought out her fun side when most people only saw a lonely, introverted woman, and she was the woman who brought out the serious side of you in times of need. You loved each other, and anyone who had eyes could see that. 

It was a nice warm August day, and you were lounging at home after work. Elin was still at work, as her job required she stay in later, but she was sure to be home in half an hour or so. She got home at 6:30 every night, and it was 5:57, so it was safe to say that she would be home soon enough. You two had moved in together after dating for two years, having decided that it would be a good idea for you to get a house together. In the end, if was a very good idea, and now you had a lovely, albeit small house. But you didn't need a large house to be happy. It was just you and Elin, anyways. Maybe someday there would be little ones running around, but Elin still had yet to warm up to the idea of having children, so that wasn't an option at the moment. You would have made dinner for the both of you, except your Icelandic girlfriend had informed you that she wanted to make dinner for you tonight, so of course you had said yes. It was like you could never say no to Elin. You waited patiently for her to return home and cook dinner, laying down on the nice plush couch with your phone in hand as you watched some random rom-com that was playing.

It was after about twenty six minutes that you finally heard the car pulling into the driveway. Smiling to yourself, you turned off the TV and stood up, stretching your arms as you headed toward the door to greet your girlfriend. You waited for the sound of the door before you popped out of a random corner, instantly hugging her and giving her absolutely no time to even take her shoes off. She hugged back, of course. She was slightly shorter than you, but don't be mistaken, she was the dominant one in the relationship. The things she could do to you... You couldn't be thinking about those thing right now, though! You hugged her tightly, only pulling back after a minute. And even then, you didn't give her the chance to remove her shoes; you kissed her deeply and passionately, a kiss that was sexy, but sweet at the same time. You kissed her like this every day when she arrived home from work, wanting to show her that you still loved her, and would love her forever. She of course kissed back, although her face was usually red afterwards. Even after five, almost six long years, she still got flustered by the simplest of affections. When you pulled away again, you finally gave her the chance to take off her shoes. 

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