Chapter 1-The letter

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"Smile!" The photographer called snapping photos of me modelling Tia Tuerra's latest clothing line. This was one of the biggest jobs of my career. Tia Turra was so big right now and these photos would be on the cover of all of the big magazines.
I moved around posing, making sure the light was always hitting me at the best possible angles showing off my figure.
My mother literally ran in to the photography studio waving a piece of cream card.
"It's here! It's finally here!" She screamed, running on to the set.
I looked at the cream envelope stamped with a wax seal of the royal family's crest and I instantly knew what it was.
"Eeeeeeeeeeee! We've been waiting ages for this!"
"I know, honey, I know,"
I tore open the envelope and read;
"To the House of Leone,
The recent census has confirmed that a single woman between the ages of sixteen and twenty currently resides in your home. We would like to make you aware of an upcoming opportunity to honor the great nation of Illéa.
Our beloved prince, Michael Shreave," I let out a dreamy sigh at the mention of his name. I had been in love with Michael Shreave since the day I first met him. I was thirteen years old and as my father was one of King Dale's advisors and my mother was one of the most adored actresses in all of Illéa, we had been invited to celebrate christmas at the palace. I still remember the day...

I stepped in to the grand palace ballroom, in complete awe. Everything was so beautiful and ornate.
"The house of Leone from Dakota," Some guy announced.
We moved further into the ballroom and my father directed me and mother to a plush seating area next to a bowl of punch.
"Daniel!" The king came towards us with Queen Aurelia on his arm and the prince behind them, "It's been too long!"
My father bowed while my mother and I curtsied.
"No need to bother with formalities. We are old friends after all," He turned to my mother, "Lydia, it's been too long!" Mother embraced the king and then the Queen. Her and Queen Aurelia moved away and started talking. I felt so awkward just standing there.
"This must be your daughter, Deira, is it?" The king crouched in front of me and I curtsied again.
" She is very pretty, Daniel,"
"Deira and Lydia are the light of my life, your majesty,"
I looked up to my father and smiled at him and it was so obvious how much he loved my mother and I.
" Michael," The King called to his son, " Come and greet my old friend, Daniel, and his daughter, Diera,"
Prince Michael, who was fourteen at the time shook my fathers hand and bowed to me and I curtsied back.
"Would you care to dance," Michael asked me.
I could feel my face heat up, "That would be lovely, your highness,"

We danced the rest of the night and I was distraught when we had to leave. I never saw him after that but I've loved him ever since.

Looking back on that memory makes me so extraordinarily happy and I smiled, so totally and irreversibly in love.
"Diera," my Mother called.
"Mhmm?" I said, my mothers words snapping me out of my happy daydream.
"You kind of zoned out there, honey, you okay?"
"Yeah, Mom, I'm fine. I was just remembering when Michael and I met,"
"Awwww, I remember. You two looked so cute dancing out there,"
"Mom, stop it!" I say, embarrassed.
I continue reading,
"Our beloved prince, Michael Shreave, is coming of age this month. As he ventures into this new part of his life, he hopes to move forward with a partner, to marry a true Daughter of Illéa. If your eligible daughter, sister or charge is interested in possibly becoming the bride of Prince Michael and the adored princess of Illéa, please fill out the enclosed form and return it to your local Province Services Office. One woman from each province will be drawn at random to meet the prince.
Participants will be housed at the lovely Illéa palace in Angeles for the duration of their stay. The families of each participant will be generously compensated for their service to the royal family,"
Mother and I squealed in delight before hearing a low chuckle.
I turned to where the noise came from and found myself looking at the photographer.
"Oh my goodness! I am so sorry, I completely forgot where I was!"
He chuckled again, louder now he knew that we had heard, "It's fine, I've got everything that I need so you can go home and fill out that application form,"
"Thank you so much," I say collecting my stuff and heading out of the door.
"No problem, good luck,"
"Thanks," I grin and follow mother.


We got uome earlier than expected as the photographer had let me go early.
"Hey dad!" I call.
"Hey princess," He walks into the foyer, plants a kiss on my mothers forehead which she smiles at, and gives me a hug. "You're back early,"
"Yeah, Mom came rushing in with the letter and after we had finished fangirling over it the photographer said that we were free to go,"
"Ah, yes, the letter," My dad smiles knowingly.
"C'mon, honey, I think I have my letter upstairs in my room somewhere.

Hilo people!
First chapter, YAYYYY!!!!
Tankoo for reading but just letting you guys know that I don't update alot because life gets in the way, like, alot.


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