Chapter 3-My Application

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"Deira," My mother held my shoulders pushing me at arms length. "Do you or do you not want to enter the selection? You have been putting off filling in your application for two weeks!"
"Number one, one week and six days. Number two, I do but..." I whined.
"But what? This is all you've been talking about for months,"
"I know, I know. It's just," I drew in a deep breath "I don't want to get my hopes up only to then get my heart broken when I'm not even the girl picked from this province. And don't tell me not to get my hopes up and expect the worst outcome because I know me. I'd be spinning fantasies about life in the palace,"
"Oh, honey," Mom said, obviously feeling my pain. "How do you know if you don't even try? Plus tomorrow is the last day to hand in the forms so if you want to have a chance to live out your love story I would suggest that you fill out that form."
"Okay," And with renewed confidence, I filled out the form.
"So name, Deira May Leone," I filled out all the things to be expected, age, caste contact information.
"Height, I'm five foot nine, right?" I asked when it came to the things about appearences but I stopped short on the special skills column. I had no idea what to put. I can't sing, I can't dance, I can't act.
"Oh honey," Mom snuck up behind me and and looked at my form, "Photography! You're great at that!"
"And leadership," Dad piped up, perring over his newspaper to look at us.
"Okay sure, but thats it!" I replied scrawling in the things they had said. "And my application is...done!"
"Whooooooo," Mom yelled


A while later we reached the province office and it was practically deserted. I guess nobody really came this late to hand in their application. As if there was some advantage to handing it in on the very first day. The people who were there was just a group of sevens that I can only assume that this was their only off day.
"Hey," I siddled up to them, "Are you guys here to hand in your applications,"
"Well, I am," A beautiful girl with slanted brown eyes and coffee coloured skin spoke. "These are my sisters who were either too old," She nodded towards a more mature looking replica of herself, "Or too young," She poked a young girl playfully in the stomach and the little girl started hopping around.
"Oh my god, you are so lucky. I'm an only child but I wish I had siblings!"
"I'm Rea," The first girl said smiling.
"Deira," I returned the smile.
We chatted and laughed for a bit until an ice cold voice cut through the happiness od the conversation.
"Deira Leone! What's a respectable two like you hanging around these dirty sevens for?" A girl I knew spoke rudely. Her face was plastered with make up and her sweater was so tight around her curvy frame. Rea's little sister hid behind her while she just looked angry but her big sister held her back.
"Thalia, hi," I greeted her coldly.
"Move," she yelled at the sevens. "You're in my way."
"Oh we are so sorry!" I exclaimed, "We didn't realise you were here for this. We thought you were heading to the clown fair down that way,"
She glared at me and instead decided to pick on Rea, "Like your ever going to be a princess looking like that," She cackled at her own joke.
"Please. Maybe you should look in a mirror. Oh wait, I'm sorry, I forget that they crack the second you look at them," I stood infront of Rea and her sisters. Nobody has the right to talk to them like that.
"Watever," she marched away, obviously annoyed that I had gotten the better of her.
"Oh my god! That was awesome!" Rea exclaimed.
"Nobody has the right to talk to you like that just because they have a higher caste then you!"
"Wow. You would make a great princess,"
"No I wouldn't,"
"Yes you would. You stick up for the people who can't stick up for themselves,"
For once I imagined myself not just as Michaels wife but as princess. Adored. Cherished. A role model. And with that thought in my head, I smiled for my application photo.


I was still in a daze when I got home. I just wandered through the halls at random.
"Oww!" A small voice squealed.
"Oh my goodness, I am so sorry Mackenzie!" Mackenzie was Louise's daughter and I had been friends with her for years.
"It's fine Deira. Did you just come back from giving in your form, I handed mine in on the first day and it was so packed I can hardly believe that there was anyone left to go today!"
"I know! There were only three people handing in their forms, including me!"
"Oh wow, who were they?"
"A really nice seven, called Rea and...Thalia," I made a face. Being my friend for years Mackenzie understood my complete hatred for that douche.
"Oh my god! I thought she would have been one of those overdone witches who handed in their application on the first day!"
"Yeah I had hoped so too," I replied almost wistfully.
"Anyway...Is that what you were wearing? It is so cute!" I had on a white knee-length sundress that had deep red roses embroidered at the waistline. I had paired it with white flats and had on some subtle make-up highlighting the sharp blue of my eyes.
"Yeah, I thought I would go nice but not over the top,"
"Yeah that was the right choice. I don't even know why they were taking pictures!"
"Apparently it's not actually a random lottery but the king and his advisors look through them and pick out the best,"
"Oh," she looked thoughtful, "Well, Deira, I've got to finish my chores so I'll talk to you later,"
"Yeah sure,"
I made my way to my room and just lay there engulfed in my thoughts.

I'm a really bad writer okay. Don't be judgemental and try to stick through it, I know it's hard but just try mmk?
Anywho, places to go people to see.


P.S. The next chapter is probably gonna be like a fluff chapter and really short so I'm gonna try to update two that week! :)

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