Chapter 33

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Take the title of the last song you listened to, and add 'In my ass' at the end.

Mine was, "Migraine in my ass"

I really need to find something better to do with my life.

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Londyn lunged forward and tackled Zac off of the bed in a hug.

"You're back! How?!" She shouted when she stood up.

Zac stood up and cracked his neck. "Damn girl. I'll tell ya, but at least feed a nigga first." He said.


We were in the kitchen and Zac was eating some of the leftovers, from the party, like he was a fucking bear.

"Damn nigga. You act like you haven't ate a day in ya life." I mocked him and he rolled his eyes.

"Feels like it. Jail food ain't shit."

He stood up and put his dishes in the sink and I noticed that even with the little muscle he gained, he was still short as hell, and skinny as fuck.

"So, I thought you were getting out next year." Lon said and passed him a glass of water.

"Yeah... The jail scene wasn't my thing so all I did was either work out, volunteer with little jobs they had, and stay in my cell. Apparently that's good behavior... but I'm not complaining though." He mumbled.

"Why you ain't call us? We woulda came and got you?" I asked.

He twisted his hair between his fingers that was about half the length of mines now before answering. "I wanted to surprise y'all. Plus when mama Sheila called, I heard all the music in the background. Y'all was having a party?"

I nodded and Lon was basically jumping in her seat. "I can't wait for Hassani to meet you! He's gonna be so excited!" She squealed.

Rolling my eyes, I looked back at Zac. "Where you staying?"

"I had mama call my lawyer and they got me a house right across the street, because they told me how much Hassani loved y'all. It'd be wrong for me to keep him so far away from y'all."

A yawn snapped our attention to the kitchen door when I saw Leilani walk in. "Mommy?"

Londyn waved her over and she came and crawled into my lap. "Who's that?" She mumbles, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.

"This is Zac, Hassani's daddy, baby." Londyn says.

Leilani waves before shooting up, and jumping out of the chair and bolting out of the kitchen.

"Did... I do something...?" Zac scratches his head.


I ran to Hassani's room and opened his door. It banged against the wall and Hassani whined like a baby.

"Hassani! Wake up!" I jumped on his bed and tried to wake him up.

"Hmm?" He opened his eyes.

"We gotta hide you!"

"Why? I too tired to play hide n' seek..." he tried pulling the covers up and I snatched them off of the bed.

"HEY! STOP!" He screamed.

"No! Your real daddy is here! He's gonna-"

"My real dad?!" He jumps up.

"Yes! We have to hi—"

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