Chapter 1: The First Day

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-Hajime P. O. V.-

This day...

This was the day that I felt extremely significant.

Hope's Peak Academy.

It was so much more than a school, really.

Hope's Peak Academy is a government funded school for the most talented kids in society.

The school scouts out students who are the top of their class to inspire hope and shape the future.

You can't enroll, the school only allows people who are the most talented there are in their halls, they have to personally request you to be accepted.

They say if you attend Hope's Peak and graduate, they say that success for life is guaranteed.

It might sound exaggerated, but it truly was that exclusive and special.

But, why was I here? That's the real question here.

I wasn't really talented in anything, really.

I guess the best thing about me was that I was more blunt or frank than others. Or that I'm at least pretty smart for my age.

The letter I received from Hope's Peak was pretty cryptic.

"For reasons we do not wish to make public at the time, you have been accepted into Hope's Peak Academy! We hope you find this news well and we can't wait to see you at the academy!"

They never really explained what my Ultimate talent was. I couldn't think of anything, unless a weird hairstyle counts as a talent.

Either way, I stood at the gate of Hope's Peak Academy.

I suppose I should introduce myself. My name is Hajime Hinata. And this was the first day of my new life.

Well, no use delaying the inevitable.

I stepped through the gates and into the academy.

The second my foot hit the floor, everything went black.

I fell unconscious.

-An Undisclosed Amount Of Time Later-

I woke up at a desk.

I was in a classroom. It felt... strange. This is so weird.

There were metal plates covering the windows, there was a security camera and a monitor on the wall. There was also a note on the desk.

"Welcome, new student, to Hope's Peak Academy! Please meet in the entrance hall at 8:00 sharp!"

I looked at the clock on the wall. It read 7:59. Crap! If I don't hurry, I'm going to be late! I'm sure there might be one of those students that are all about the rules and will grill me if I'm late.

I left the classroom into a... pink hallway?

I walked around, looking for where the entrance hall was. I wish there was a map. I think I ran by the school store and an AV room until I spotted something that looked like it would be the entrance hall.

I pushed through the doors...

And then something flew by my head, nearly taking it off.

It got stuck in the wall, it was a scalpel.

"Oh, just another harmless pest."

I turned back to the entrance hall to see it now full of people. I quickly counted 16 others in my head.

"Are... Are you guys the rest of the class?" I asked the people.

"If you mean Class 77 of Hope's Peak Academy, then yes, we are." A boy with black hair with an ahoge like mine said. His face was buried in a manga and he looked bored.

"We've been waiting forever. It's fucking bullshit that we have to wait here with no explanation." A boy with short, almost shaved blonde hair.

"Yeah. I'm getting pretty sleepy..." This girl in a hoodie said. She looked pretty cute, actually, especially with that sleepy face.

"But, with you here, that makes 17 of us. A bit of an odd number, but it's about a pretty good number for a class." A big fat guy in a white suit said.

"Umm... Do we know this guy, Yasuke? Or... any of these guys?" A girl with long red hair asked the boy with the manga.

He just shook his head. "Be quiet you airhead."

"Hey, I think we should all just calm down and be nice to each other." This guy with crazy weird white hair.

"So, what are we supposed to do now?" I asked.

Almost like it was answering my question, a voice came from a monitor in the room that looked like the one that was in the classroom I woke up in.

"Testing. Testing. One. Two Three. Despair. Despair. Attention. This is a school announcement. All students of Class 77 please gather in the gymnasium for your orientation! Again, please gather in the gymnasium!"

The voice was so cheery that is was almost terrifying. It was so out of place is this dreary atmosphere.

"Well, about fucking time." The blonde buy from earlier said, walking off.

"Yeah, a little explanation is just what I need! I'm sure this is all a big joke to test our Ultimate talents!" A guy in a bright yellow jumpsuit said with a grin.

"Umm... Where is the gym...?" The girl with the long red hair from earlier asked.

"Just follow the crowd you stupid girl." The manga guy told her.

One by one, everyone filed out towards the gym. Except for the sleepy girl. She was asleep.

I walked over to her. "Umm, excuse me. We're going to the gym now."

She snored softly. "...hey...look...listen..."

How can she sleep through that announcement?

I hope she doesn't mind this, but I decided to shake her shoulders gently. "Wake up, please! We need to go!"

She slowly opened her eyes and looked at me. "...You're not Link."

"I'm Hajime. Come on, we need to go to the gym."

She nodded. I grabbed her wrist and pulled her gently, to keep her awake, and I guided her as we caught up with the others.

We went down the hall into a room. I noticed a trophy cabinet with a few things, most noticeably a golden sword in it.

We went through another set of doors to a gym. Everyone else was already there.

"So, where's everyone else?" A girl with a sword bag on her back asked.

"I... don't remember..."

"Shut up."

"Hello students!" The cheery voice from before rang out.

We all looked at a stage with a podium on it at the back of the gym. Suddenly, a black and white bear popped out of the podium.

I have a really bad feeling about this.

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