Chapter 3: Introductions

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-Hajime P. O. V.-

"And that's all I need to tell you guys. Good luck!" And with that, Monokuma disappeared, as quickly as he appeared.

The gym was silent. I looked around. That girl with the long red hair was quickly scribbling things down in a notebook.

I have a bad feeling about this.

"Well, I guess I'll go eat something." the tan girl said.

"What do you mean!?" The yellow jumpsuit guy yelled. "You're just accepting those rules!?"

She nodded. "Yeah. I mean, we can't really do anything about that, can we? I mean, nobody's gonna kill each other, right?"

The short blonde guy laughed. "Are you that fucking stupid?"

The girl was confused. "What do ya mean?"

"Anyone here could turn on you and kill you in your sleep! You're fucking stupid if you think that nobody will."

"I agree." The manga boy said. "It is foolish to just trust each other in this situation."

"Does... Does that mean you don't trust me, either?" The red haired girl asked.

"No, you airhead. I can trust you because I know you and because you're too dumb to kill someone."

"I'll take that as a compliment!"

The short blonde sighed. "You're all fucking stupid. I'm leaving." He attempted to storm out of the gym, but the manga guy threw another scalpel that nearly hit him.

I noticed the sword girl almost pull her sword out. The blonde guy yelled at the manga guy. "What the fuck are you doing!?"

The manga guy didn't even look up from his manga. "Stopping you. It might be foolish to trust each other, but we'll never get anywhere if we don't know each other's names." He pointed his finger at me. "You start."

I was a bit surprised. "Why me?"

"Because I said so."

He didn't really make sense, but I saw no reason to argue at the moment.

"My name is Hajime Hinata. I'm a bit cynical and blunt, but people say that I'm pretty smart and logical."

The manga guy sighed. "Very normal, I would say. Now, what's your Ultimate talent?"

I thought for a moment. In order to get into Hope's Peak Academy, you have to have some kind of amazing talent. But what was mine? "I can't seem to remember my talent. I... must have amnesia from passing out earlier."

"Wait a second. You passed out earlier, too?" the sleepy girl from earlier said.

"Yeah. Why?"

"Well, that happened to all of us. Weird." the guy with crazy white hair said.

"Anyway, let's continue." The manga guy said. "I'm Yasuke Matsuda. I'm the Ultimate Neurologist. I don't give free consultations. I'm a bit sharp tongued, but that's none of your business." He pointed to the red haired girl. "You're next."

"Umm..." She looked down at the cover of her notebook. "Oh! I'm Ryoko Otonashi! And..." She opened the notebook to the first page. "My title is the Ultimate Analyst. People have described me as cheerful, carefree, and forgetful!"

Yasuke sighed. "And?"

Ryoko nodded. "And I have a psychological disorder that makes me lose my long and short term memories." She flipped to the next page. "Yasuke is my doctor who is observing my disorder."

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