Chapter 2: Monokuma Appears!

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-Hajime P. O. V.-

"Hello students!" The cheery voice from before rang out.

We all looked at a stage with a podium on it at the back of the gym. Suddenly, a black and white bear popped out of the podium.

I have a really bad feeling about this.

"What... the hell  is that thing?" I asked aloud.

"It looks like... a black and white teddy bear?" A girl with a sword on her back said.

"I am not a teddy bear!" The bear spoke. "I am Monokuma! And I am this school's headmaster!"

The manga boy threw a scalpel at Monokuma, but he missed. "Damn. I missed." So HE'S the one who threw that scalpel at me.

"What the fuck do you mean by 'headmaster'!? You're just a bear!" The short blonde said.

"I'm not just any bear, I'm your headmaster! Monokuma!"

It was so strange. The sight that we saw was the strangest thing we'd ever seen.

"So, can we eat this guy and get on with the normal stuff?" A tan girl with huge... endowments said.

"Yeah, this stupid teddy bear is creeping me out! Look at his dumb little face!" A girl with weird blonde hair said.

"I told you, I'm not a teddy bear!" Monokuma yelled again.

"Everyone! Nobody panic! It's just a trick! There's some kind of device inside it, like a speaker or something!" This big tough guy with a chain around his neck yelled.

"How dare you compare me to a mere toy! My control system is so complicated, it would take someone such as the Ultimate Programmer to even come close to creating it!" Monokuma cheered.

This is some weird stuff.

"Now, since everyone is here, let's go over the rules." Monokuma said.

"You are the 77th class of Hope's Peak Academy. You students represent the hope of the world. You will all live a communal life together within the confines of this school! All of you will live together in peace and harmony while adhering to the rules and regulations of the school! Now, about the end date of this life... It doesn't exist! All of you will be living here until the day you die!"

We all were shocked, not believing what he said.

"Wh-Wh-What!?" The yellow jumpsuit guy yelled.

"What kind of devilry is this!? A mighty forest warrior has captured me among a group of mortals! This cannot be!" This weird guy with a purple scarf yelled.

"W-What do you mean, until we d-die!?" A girl with choppy purple hair wailed.

"Quite literally, dying is the only way out of here! If someone was to disturb the communal life, they would become blackened! And we cannot have a blackened soul running around our peaceful communal life, so only they would be allowed to leave. And naturally, the only way to disturb the communal life without breaking the rules is to murder someone!"

We were paralyzed. I couldn't believe what we were hearing.

"You mean that we have to kill someone in order to leave here!?" The guy with the marshmallow hair said, stunned.

"Of course! I don't care how you kill them. Stabbing, burning, shooting, strangling, bombing, smoking, choking, cutting, poisoning, drowning. Anything goes!"

"You... you've gotta be joking, right? The real headmaster and all the teachers are just hiding somewhere and playing a joke on us, right?" The jumpsuit guy said, starting to panic.

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