Chapter 4: Splitting Up

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-Yasuke P. O. V.-

After Fuyuhiko stormed out and Peko went after him, we were left with nothing but silence in the gym. I glanced up at the clock in the room. 9:00. A. M., I presume.

"We have 13 hours until nighttime." I announced to the crowd.

"What do we do until then?" Kazuichi asked.

"It'd probably be a good idea if we explored this school." Nagito said. "I found the map of the school and an area labeled 'Despair Hotel'. I think we should look around." He must have been looking at his e-handbook. I can tell that much, even if my eyes almost never leave my manga.

Though, I suppose this should be one of those times.

I held my manga down, firmly keeping my finger on the page I was reading. "Exactly. We need to split into smaller groups of no less than three people. It's dangerous to go alone, or with only one other. You" I thrust my index finger towards Ryoko. "And you." I pointed the finger at Kazuichi. "You two are coming with me."

"Yay! I get to spend time with Yasuke!" Ryoko cheered, bouncing on her heels. Such a dumb girl.

"Why do you want me?" Kazuichi asked.

"You said you like hot chicks. This confirms that you are at least a little perverted, but in a respectful manner. You are also most likely an idiot. You'd most likely hit on any of the girls here, except Ryoko, who you have no chance with. Since her going with me is a given, you are coming as to keep the other girls safe from your idiotic ways."

"...I'm not gonna lie. That was too logical for me to be offended. I'm in!" Kazuichi said.

Twogami adjusted his glasses. "In that case, Teruteru will join me and Ibuki. He also gives off perverted vibes, to the extreme, and I can monitor him this way. Ibuki is coming so that way I can also monitor the most hyper of the group."

"Yahoo! Twogami's showing his super cool skills of logic!" Ibuki cheered.

"I wanna go with Gundam so I can see more of his cute hamsters!" Sonia chimed in.

Gundam pulled his scarf over his mouth. He was most likely blushing. "C-Cute...? Thank you..."

"That's only two, so I'll join you guys." Nekomaru suggested.

"And take Akane with you." I added. "She'll need a group of three others to watch her."

"No problem." Akane agreed.

"Hiyoko, you go find Peko and Fuyuhiko and explain your goal when you find them." I ordered.

"You're not the boss of me! But, I guess I can do that." The girl huffed.

"I guess that leaves us." Nagito said, looking at Mikan, Hajime, and Chiaki. "He said no less than three, and since there's four of us, we can't split into two groups of two. Are you guys okay with that?"

Mikan and Chiaki nodded while Hajime shrugged. He's smart, I can tell. Doesn't immediately trust others. Good. He might not die first.

"Good." I said. "Nagito, what areas are available to investigate?"

I assume he looked back at the map on his handbook. "Well, we're in the gym. There's the room right outside here that connects to the hallway, but I doubt that there's anything there. The hallway connects to a staircase, back to the entrance hall, the school store, two classrooms, two bathrooms: one for each gender, an AV room, and the Despair Hotel. In the hotel, there's a dining hall, a kitchen, a laundry room, a storage room, a trash room, another two bathrooms, and 15 rooms, each with our faces on them. I guess they're like... dorms."

"Wait, 15? There's 17 of us!" Kazuichi shouted.

"Well, it shows two faces on two rooms, so it looks like they'll be sharing rooms. It looks like Peko and Fuyuhiko share one room, and Yasuke and Ryoko share another." Nagito continued.

I groaned as Ryoko clapped her hands, eagerly. "I get to share a room with Yasuke!"

I sighed. "Alright, we'll do this. We have 5 groups. Twogami, your group shall take the dorms and the trash room. Nagito, your group takes the school store and AV room. Nekomaru's group gets the kitchen and dining hall. Hiyoko's group will take the storage room and laundry room. My group will look at the staircase, the entrance hall, and the classrooms. Twogami's group will also inspect the hotel's bathroom, and Nagito's will look at the ones in the hallway." I put my face back into my manga. "Got it? Good. Let's go."

Without another word, we all just left the gym in our designated groups.


Ryoko, Kazuichi and I didn't take long to reach the staircase, it was right outside the room that led to the gym, the trophy room, as I decided to call it. We could not go up the stairs. They were blocked off by iron bars.

"C'mon, what the heck, man!?" Kazuichi complained, rattling the bars. "You mean we're stuck on the first floor!?"

"Don't complain. It won't do any good." It told him. Ryoko scribbled something in her notebook. "What did you write this time, stupid?"

She puffed her cheeks out at me. "Hey, I'm not stupid! I just have a memory disorder! And I was just writing down that we can't go upstairs."

"Fair enough. But you don't have to act so childish."

"Stop making fun of me, Yasuke!"

Kazuichi groaned. "Geez, you two are like an old married couple."

This time, I groaned as Ryoko blushed. "M-Married couple...? With... Y-Yasuke...?"

"Shut up, ugly girl."

Ryoko puffed her cheeks out again. "I'm not ugly, either!"

Kazuichi groaned again. "Geez, you two are a handful. Let's just go to the entrance hall already."

I sighed, nodding. "Yes, let's continue investigating."

We walked down the hall and went into the entrance hall.

"This door is incredibly well made! It's design is so complex! It's like some of the things I make! Oh, I wish I could take it apart..." Kazuichi mused, staring at the door.

Maybe I should've left him with a different group...

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