Chapter 9. Just the flashbacks

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Starfire's POV
The crime alert went off and Nightwing (Richard went out to fight with Red X.) Mar'i was crying when he left.

"Mar'i what's wrong?" I asked her.

"Where's daddy? Where did he go?" She asks.

"Daddy just went out he'll be back later. You want me to tell you how we got together before we had you?" I asked her.

She nods.

"Before we ever got married your dad had propose to me on the most romantic night. He took me out for dinner and he proposed to me and he wouldn't leave me or be rejected until I said yes."

Flashback starts

Robin: Um Star you know I love you right?

Me: Yes I do.

Robin: Star I feel so alive when I have you. The moments I have with you are too beautiful to forget. Right now I can't really tell you how much I love you but I hope this can.

Robin kneels down on his one knee. Holds my hand in his and holds out a box. He opens the box and this is where my shiny ring came from. He's been planning this for the longest.

Robin: Starfire Koriand'r will you marry me?

Starfire: Yes Robin I'll marry you.

Robin places the ring on my finger and that's how we got married.

Flashback ends

"Wow mommy um how did I come into the world?" Mar'i asks.

"Okay so me and your dad had got married and we had created you and now here you are Mar'i. Your dad and me were happy to have you and nothing in this world could tear our family apart." I told her.

"Oh wow is this what's going to happen to me someday mommy?" Mar'i asks.

"It's a part of life my daughter soon it will happen to you just not now my princess. Go ahead and take your nap my daughter." I replied.

She closes her eyes and falls asleep and just then my husband is home. He comes over and sits with me and Mar'i and he puts his arms around me and I fell asleep in bed with my husband and my daughter right by my side.

Love Triangle: Batgirl or Starfire Where stories live. Discover now