Chapter 2 - the sidemen party

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At the sidemen house :

"Hey babe" said Amy
"Hey" said Simon as he leaned in for a kiss
< Amy and Simon kissed >

PoV Jess
Simon came over to me and tapped me on the shoulder he pulled me aside and said Ethan "like likes you"
I replied with "what how I don't even know him that well!"
"well he does" Simon said and walked off to find Amy. 

Later that night everyone headed out to the club, all of the sidemen were there JJ, Simon , Josh , Ethan, Harry, Tobi , and vikk. Even calfreezy and Joe weller was there it was a youtuber party kinda...

POV Jess
I looked over at Simon he was stood talking to JJ, he looked at me and smiled I smiled back, I wish I could have him, I thought to myself, but how could I betray Amy she is my best friend... I saw Simon walk over. My heart stopped and the butterflies tickled my stomach...

PoV Simon
I walked over to Jess with confidence, I was very proud of what I was going to say, but as I got closer I became anxious and forgot my lines I'd been going over with JJ, I look back at him he's sat with Harry. I had to do this I thought to myself, it's now or never ...

I pulled Jess into the bathroom

"Jess" I said

She looked at me with her dark blue eyes like the ocean.

"Jess.. I...I .... I love you, I always have since the day I met you I've always loved you"

PoV Jess
At that moment I just froze I didn't know if it was the beer talking or Simon himself... Then from out of no where...

To be continued

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