Chapter 8- JJ's bigger problem

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Still in JJ's room

"What do I do?" - JJ
"Did you, did u wear a condom?" -Jess
"Yes but she put a hole in it" - JJ
"She's a bitch" - Jess
"That's your best mate though" - JJ
"Not anymore, she wants to kill me" -Jess
"Why?" - JJ
"Because... I... Err... Slept with Simon"-Jess
"Wait what!?" - JJ
"I slept with Simon" - Jess
"Did he wear a condom?" -JJ
"Yes... No... He did... Well he thought he did but..." -Jess
"Jess just tell me" - JJ
"He thought he did but he lost it and came inside of me" - Jess
"Oh shit" - JJ
"I love him though" - Jess
"But you gunna have a baby to look after and you are still at collage"-JJ
"I'll drop out and do YouTube with you lot" - Jess
"It's not easy you know, you have to recored, edit, upload, record, edit, upload and so on and so on"- JJ
"I know I've watched Simon do it since he started" - Jess
"I edited for him sometimes" - Jess
"Do you?" - JJ
"Yeah he sends me the footage then I do my bit and bam he puts it up" - Jess
"What about all of Simons fan girls, he will have to tell em sooner or later 1 that u are dating and 2 that you maybe pregnant?" - JJ
"I don't know we will just have to see what happens won't we" - Jess
JJ smiled
"And you are always on about that you might be a dad" - Jess
"It was coming sooner or later" - JJ
"Well I'm with you all the way" - Jess
"Thank you" - JJ
Jess is so help, she never fails to make me smile, since the first day we met in high school, I never he and Simon would get together eventually, me and Amy had a thing once but we never got together. It was like a loving friendship we had, but now it's gunna have to be different. She'll have my baby and I won't stop fighting till that baby is in my arms, I'll do whatever it takes. Mark my words.

In the kitchen:

"So what we doing today?" - Jess
"We?" -vikk
"Yeah, "we"" - Jess
"I don't know think we are all recording a video" - Simon
"Well I'm gunna start YouTube too" - Jess
JJ walked in
"Really?" - Josh
"Yeah why not" - Jess
"It's hard work you know" - Josh
"I know but someone has my back so it's all good" - Jess
Jess looked at JJ and smiled
"Right then" - Simon
"When u making it?" - Josh
"Now" - Jess
"Okay want some help?" - Josh
"Yeah" - Jess
"You can use my computer" - Simon
"Let's go then" - Josh

Josh, Jess and Simon went upstairs to Simons room

JJ and vikk was left in the kitchen

"I'm not sure about her" - vikk
"I've know her since I was 12 she fine a sound girl and really good for Simon" - JJ
"I'll take your word then JJ" - vikk
"Good" - JJ
JJ walked out
"I'm still not sure on her" - vikk

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