Chapter 15 - heading back home

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As we approached my house my heart began to melt, the feeling of going back in there is unimaginable. Knowing that she was in there was so difficult to face, it is my house, yet I am letting her live there, maybe selling this house wouldn't be a bad idea, I will need the money to raise this baby. Plus I don't want to argue with her and for Simon to get hurt, I need him so much, he is the father of my baby for God sake, I can't let her ruin this for me, she has already ruined enough for me in my life.

The car stopped and me and Simon both go out of the car,

"36 Paddington way" he said

"you ready for this?" Simon asked me reaching out for my hand

"It's now or never" I replied grasping a firm grip on his hand.

I reached into my bag and pulled out my house keys,

"It's open " I said to Simon as I pulled down the door handle

we entered the hallway, all the lights were on in the middle of the day, I walked across the hallway, trying not to step on any broken glass bottles that was on the floor, a sickening smell lingered in the air and the wall paper had been ripped off the wall. Photos frames of me, from high school had been smashed and photos of me and Amy had been ripped up too. I walked into the living room the sofa had been moved to the opposite side of the room the TV was on but nothing was playing, maybe she had been on the Xbox I thought to myself. The coffee table was full of beer cans, wine bottles and left over takeaway trays. That sickening smell was still floating in the air, it was like you was been suffocated and you couldn't escape it all. I walked into the kitchen, Simon following my foot steps, there was food everywhere, the kitchen had a crack in it and there was medical drugs everywhere you turned.

"This is awful" I said looking at Simon, his facial expressions just spoke allowed, he completely agreed .

I looked onto the counter and saw that Amy's house keys were there, I picked them up and put them in my bag, we walked back into the living room and into Amy's bedroom. I slowly opened the door but Amy wasn't there.

"where is she?" Simon asked looking onto the bed

"I have no idea, but this isn't good, check all the other rooms I will check mine" I said to simon closing the door.

I walked back into the damp hallway and into my room, it was just how I left it, clean, the only room in the house clean, I went to the on sweet and it was clean. I pulled out my suitcase from my wardrobe and started to pack my clothes.

"JESS !"

I ran it was Simon, he was in the toilet with Amy pasted out in the bath. There was blood everywhere and sick in the toilet. Amy had a black t-shirt with a leather leopard print skirt on her make up had been smudged and he hair was all knotted.

" what the fuck ! Amy !"

there was no reply from her, ring 999 now Simon, she is pregnant with JJ's baby. Simon froze, "NOW SIMON, SHE HAS NO PULSE !!". He picked up his phone and rang 999. whilst Simon was on the phone to the ambulance I rang JJ.

"hey Jess, everything okay?" JJ asked me

"No it's not" I replied in a panicked tone of voice

"what's wrong?" JJ asked anxiously

"It's Amy, she's in trouble, she has no pulse, your baby might die!" I said to JJ "meet us at the hospital, me and Simon will see you there"

he hung up, I rushed back to simon,

"there here" simon said I ran to the door and let them in

"What seems to be the problem here guys?" asked ambulance guy 1

"we don't know, we found her like this" I replied holding simon

"what is her name?" asked ambulance guy 1

"she is called Amy" Simon replied stroking my head

"hello Amy, my name is Sid, I am here to help you" he said whilst moving her out of the bath and on the stretcher with the help of Simon's assistant.

" Because she is unconscious we are going to have to take her straight to hospital, and you two are going to have to come to." the ambulance lady said

"okay" I said as a tear rolled down my face

we left the house I locked up from behind, my house in now a crime scene because of her.

Note from the Author:

Hiya guys it's Jess hope you are enjoying the story, I would really appreciate if you could share this story on all your social media pages and favourite all my chapters as it gives me a real confidence boost. I have also released an new short story called "The Lost Boy" make sure you go and give that a read.

Thank you !! xx

The big mistakeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora