Chapter 17 - The police

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At the police station -
"The time is 14:38 pm, I am detective Jones and I am chief superintendent Hunt, I have miss Jessica Leigh Hathaway and mr Simon Minter. Now we are here about the victim of Amy Louise Dawson. For now we would like to talk to you miss Hathaway"
*I gulped*
"What happened the night you left Amy alone in your house?"
"Well, I errr I...."
"She slept with me" Simon said putting me out of my misery
"Thank you mr Minter but we are trying to talk to Miss Hathaway"

Simon's head dropped but he still held on to my hand.

The day went on and I just got even more worried about Amy, I felt so bad on how I treated her. But she had it coming, putting a hole in JJ's condom so she could get pregnant, well that's just evil.

"Miss Hathaway?"
"Sorry I was just thinking about Amy"
"What was you thinking about?"
"How she put a hole in JJ's condom so she could get pregnant"
He wrote what I said down on a piece of paper
"Okay Miss Hathaway one last question, how did you find Amy?"
"Well I went to collect my things as I was moving in with Simon, because I'm carrying his baby, he wants to look after me like any normal father of a child would. We, me and Simon, for Amy in the bathroom of my apartment, in the bath covered in blood, sick in the toilet and drugs everywhere, I don't understand how and why she has done all this, I really don't."
Everything I say he wrote down, I was so nervous even though I did nothing wrong

"Now for you Mr Minter"
I held Simon's hand
"Wasn't you in a relationship with Amy before you slept with Miss Hathaway?"
"Yes, but I wasn't in love with her no more, I lost my love for Amy the day she hit me round the head with a shoe"
"Why didn't you report this to the police?"
"Because if I did she'd hurt me again, I'm telling you sir, she's crazy putting a hole in a condom to get pregnant, forcing someone to sleep with her so she wouldn't hurt me, taking drugs and sending text messages to my girlfriend saying she's going to kill me and our child? She's mad"
"Okay Mr Minter, thank you for that"
"Jessica do you know anyone else that would have wanted to hurt Amy?"
"Anyone else? Else? You think me and Simon did this to her?"
I stood up in discus
"No -"
"Yes you do, you think we did this! Well I'll tell you now that I and Simon did none of this, she did this to her self and now she gets what she wants, revenge on me and Simon because she can't have what's mine!"
I sit down and start crying
"It's not fair"
Simon rubs my back as he comforts me
"Session end at 16:12pm"

The police men left it was just me and Simon in the room.

I bursted into tears
"What do we do now?" I asked Simon
"Sit and wait I guess"

A few moments later a police officer came into the room and said that we was allowed to leave. So we left and went home as I couldn't collect my belongings because they was part of a crime scene. Great.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2018 ⏰

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