Chapter III: Fear

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   "Why does the music always have to be so loud here?"
   I may have "worked" here, but they kept me in silence for so long that this booming music caused me to feel deaf every time they bring me here. I really wish I could have some earplugs for the noise, not that it would matter. They wouldn't give me any even if I had the ability to request some.
   I walked to the bar to pick up some more drinks to carry around to the tables. As I placed some full shot glasses on the tray, I caught a glimpse of a man eyeing me from the side. His look sent a chill down my spine as I continued my job.
"Why do I always attract the drunken ones?"
I lifted up my tray and started to make my way through the crowd, shoving the glance to the back of my mind.
I placed shots on the tables and collected the money in exchange. I looked up to see other girls dancing on the poles. It was such a disgusting display that they had to put on, but at least they distracted most of the men away from us younger ones.
I focused back in and turned to look at who was calling for my attention. It was an older man. A round, old man with his grey hair slicked back and wore a suit that only expressed his pudge.
"Five shots! One for each of us!"
He talked like a cheery drunk, but that only could mean he was a sleaze in reality. I set a shot in front of him and his two women beside him. I took a good look at the two woman. The way they looked at him made me nauseous. They may have dressed like us, but they weren't like that. No. They were pampered little pets of his. They got whatever they wanted from him and they gave him what he wanted.
I walked around the table to set the last two shots on the table. They were both men in suits. The first man seemed normal enough. Normal for here anyway. He eyed me just like any other man here. At least it wasn't as chilling as the drunk's. However, when I set down the shot for the second man, I froze. My heart felt like it had screeched to a halt and my gut sank to the floor. He didn't look at me in any special way. Actually, he looked completely bored and numb from his surroundings. Though, there was something about those eyes that paralyzed me. His eyes themselves looked to be sunken in and his bright green eyes glinted off the lights.
"I have to get away from him."
I broke my gaze from him and moved away. I could feel my skin still prickling as I walked away from the table. It was as if he was still looking at me. I haven't felt this fear in a long while. Not since the first days of my kidnapping. The whole core of my being felt shaken.
I felt myself stumble backwards as I bumped into someone.
"Watch where you're going, bitch!"
I looked at the ground. I noticed sparkling glints on the floor.
I knelt down to pick up the shards of the broken glasses.
"Get a hold of yourself Jenna. He wasn't interested in you."
Then why did that look scare me so much? Those eyes. It was like looking into the eyes of a wild animal. No matter how calm his other features seemed, those eyes pierced me. I shivered again as I stood back up.
"Just go back to work. The night will be over with soon enough."

I hated this. Having to let these men touch me. Not being allowed to fight back from their grubby fingers. All that I was allowed to do to "fight back" was to act disinterested.
The drunk who was eyeing me earlier decided to drag me away from my work. Here I am, shoved against a bar, being slobbered on by some middle age drunk. It isn't like this hasn't happened before though. All I'm allowed to do is just lay back and take it.
   I closed my eyes as I tried to distant myself from him. Maybe he'll just get bored and let me go. I shivered as I felt a hand inch down my leg.
   "Just don't react, just don't react, just don't react."
   However, it wasn't working. I guess he was just too drunk to care. My eyes squeezed tighter as I felt his hand move up the back of my thigh. I could feel the corner of the bar jab into my back as he pushed himself against me. I knew what was going to happen next. I never did like what happened next and I never will.
   My eyes shot open as I felt the pressure of the drunk's body lift away from mine.
   "Do you mind?"
   My heart dropped as I noticed those sharp green eyes.
   "Do I mind what?" the drunk's words slurred and fell from his mouth as he looked at the man with the sharp eyes.
   "You've been keeping her from her job. My boss does not like waiting."
   I looked over at the tray with three drinks on it.
   "Shit...I forgot."
   The round man had stopped me earlier and ordered three drinks. I was waiting on those when the drunk dragged me into this situation.
   "Eh? Well you can jus' tell your boss that he can--"
   Before the drunk could finish, the man had yanked him by his shirt and threw him onto the ground. Some nearby people stopped what they were doing to glance at the sudden commotion. The man with the sharp eyes loomed over the drunk and placed a foot on his chest. I watched the drunk struggle to get him off. The man bent down and seemed to be saying something to him. I couldn't make out what he was saying, but whatever it was, it caused the drunk to cease his struggling.
   The man leaned back up and removed his foot. Without hesitation, the drunk dragged himself up to his feet and scattered away from the man. I jumped as the man turned to face me. I watched him as he made his way towards me.
   "Is he coming for me now? Am I in trouble? What was it he said to him? Is he going to hurt me?"
   Questions raced my mind as he got closer. I tensed and squeezed my eyes shut as I saw him reach out.
   Except, I didn't feel him grab me or even touch me. I opened my eyes to see why he stopped. In his hands was my tray with the three drinks on top. I stood there dumbfounded as I watched him walk away. I blinked a few times as he disappeared into the crowd, back towards his table.
"What? What just happened?"

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