Chapter XII: Patience

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The sun was just rising as I pulled up into the driveway. As I parked the car in front of the house, I noticed lights still shone through the windows.
"I see she has no concern for someone's house," I sighed,"Teenagers..."
I stepped out the car and walked up to the doorway. I turned the knob just to find it locked.
"At least she had the sense to lock the door."
I unlocked the door and entered the house. I sighed getting a better look at the brightly lit rooms. I placed the keys on the key ring and proceeded to turn off the lights on my way to my room.
As I entered the hallway, I noticed Jenna curled up in a corner in the far end of the hallway.
"Her hair is still untouched. How long has she been there?" I thought as I furrowed my eyebrows. I walked towards her and kneeled down. I slowly slinked my arms behind her back and underneath her knees, careful as to not wake her.
As I slowly lifted her, she shifted slightly as curl herself towards me. Toddler-like mumbles escaped her lips as she settled into the new position. I walked back out the hallway and laid her onto the couch. Once more, she switched positions, mumbled, then curled up on her side. At least she was sleeping peacefully, the last thing I wished to deal with was screaming. I had already had enough of that.
   I stretched and let out a tired yawn as my eyes began to flutter open to the morning light. I groggily sat up and rubbed my eyes  as I started to realize that I was no longer on the floor.
   "How did I get here?" I pondered as I rubbed my hand against the scratchy material of the couch,"Did I sleep walk?"
   I slowly stood up and looked around. The only light that filled the room was the daylight that shone through the kitchen window.
   "I don't remember turning off the lights..." I looked over at the hallway entrance.
   I gently tiptoed my way through the hallway. I made my way to his bedroom door and carefully peeked through the crack.
   There he was, asleep in an awkward upright position and a book in his lap. I slowly cracked the door slightly and I cringed at the small creak it released.
   "He doesn't look like he meant to fall asleep at all," I pinpointed to the fact that he wore a white button up and black slacks along with a pair of socks.
   What time did he come in? Was it late? Was it early? How tired was he? What does he even do? These were all questions that flooded my mind.
   As I began to get lost in my thoughts, his body began to move. In a panic and flustered hurry, I swiftly slammed the door shut without hesitating.
   "Shit! Stupid, stupid, stupid!" I knocked the heel of my hands against my forehead,"Why did I do that?"
   The door knob turned and I stepped back just to watch him enter the hallway.
   I looked up and a chill creep down my spine,"He looks absolutely pissed... Shit..."
   My body stiffened as I waited for the worst.
   I opened the door to see her standing there. She was wide-eyed and stood there frigid like she was a statue. I rubbed my face and sighed.
   "I see you're up."
   She just stood there, staring. I began to notice that she wasn't as frigid as I first thought, but trembling viciously.
   "Hey," I said as I lifted my hand. Immediately, she collapsed to the floor with a mix of a screech and a squeak.
   When I saw his hand reach up, I let my instincts take hold. I dropped the ground and started to sob.
   "I'm sorry! I'm so so sorry! I... I didn't mean to... I, I--"
   I felt a hand pat my head.
   "Get up."
   I slowly looked up. There he was, just staring at me with that bored look again.
   "He's not mad?"
   I wiped my eyes as I slowly sat up. He stood up and walked to the hallway's entrance.
   "There's no reason to be getting hysterical. I needed to get up anyway."
   Then with that, he stepped out. I slowly stood up as I tired to take control of my emotions.

The morning moved by slowly mostly in silence with only a few questions asked. It was still mind-boggling to me at how patient he was being. It felt so long since someone treated me with patience.
After we had ate breakfast, we both went our separate ways. He went down the small hallway while I went upstairs.
I walked into my room and picked out some clothes and grabbed my brush. It was about time I brushed my hair.
I buttoned up and tucked in my shirt into the waist of my khaki pants. It felt good to have cleaned up and change clothes, but I still felt tired from work.
I stepped out of the bathroom and glanced to my bed. It would feel nice to get more rest, but with how tired I felt I may just end up wasting the day away, so I continued walking towards my desk. I picked up my laptop and stepped out into the living room.
Jenna was there sitting on the couch and flipping through the channels on the TV. Her hair was wet and she had on a change of clothes. I never noticed before, but her hair length reached to the middle of her back.
   She turned her head to look at me and gave me a look that asked "what?" I just took my attention off of her and kept walking until I had exited the house to the small front porch which consisted only of a square of pavement. I sat in one of the two chairs at the small table and opened my laptop.

After about two hours of work, Jenna had stepped out of the house to join me. I closed my laptop and looked at her. She held her notepad which meant she wanted to talk.
"What is it?"
I must've caught her off guard because she scrambled to flip open her notepad to give me a response.
   "What do you do in the mafia?"
   "I work as a bodyguard among other things. That's all I'm saying on the matter."
   "How did you join?"
   She stared at me.
   "I told you that is all I'm saying on the matter."
   She looked down then proceeded to write,"What's downstairs?"
   "That somewhat explains why she was in the hallway. Why're you curious? Actually, why were you asleep on the floor?"
   She looked down at notepad with a look of hurt.
   After a moment of silence, she wrote her response,"I'm sorry. I got curious about the hallway, so I went exploring. However, when I looked down the hallway, the darkness scared me."
   "It caused memories to resurface, didn't it?"
   I stared down at moment then began to write again.
   "I know it's silly," I showed him the notepad and he immediately furrowed his eyebrows.
   "How is something like that silly? Because you're scared of the dark?"
   I nodded in response,"Children are scared of the dark--"
   "Don't think that."
   I looked up at him.
   "Fears are nothing to be ashamed of and it's understandable in your case. Do you know what PTSD is?"
   "That sounds familiar."
   I shook my head "no."
   "Post traumatic stress disorder. It's a common mental health condition caused by traumatic experiences. PTSD causes anxiety to start up with certain triggers like a horrific event or fears."
   I sat there thinking on last night. My stomach began to roll and my face felt hot. The sound of his chair scraping the pavement took my focus back to him.
   I stood up and picked up the laptop. I looked back at the notepad.
   "Also, leave the basement alone. What is down there is my business, so don't get too curious.
   She looked me. She gave me a look that asked "why?"
   "Just trust me," I walked to the door and held it open,"Now come inside. It's about time for dinner."
   I watched her stand up, pick up up the notepad, and enter the house. I looked up at the sky to see dark clouds start to roll in and the wind pick up.
   "I have a feeling darkness won't be the only trigger..."

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