Chapter XI: Exploration

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We made it back to the house and I had unloaded all my new stuff into my room. I put clothes in the dusty dresser and other items on top. To others it may not seem a lot, but to me this meant everything. This stranger named Alexsander was helping me, a stranger to him.
   I sat down on the bed to contemplate on what was happening or more like what had happened.
   "Ok, so this guy gets orders from this round guy, who is his boss, to buy a girl for enjoyment, but instead he chose the youngest one, me, to get out of that hellhole. Now I'm here, in the middle of nowhere in a dusty, unfinished, unfurnished room and he has no plans to do anything with me or to me."
I nodded my head in response to myself as I gathered my thoughts together.
"Now to learn a bit more information."
I jumped up from my bed and picked up my notepad and pen from my nightstand then sprinted over to my door. As I placed my handed on the doorknob, it turned and the door clicked open. I panicked and stumbled backwards onto the floor. I let out a small squeal as my butt hit the floor and the door opened.
I stared at her. She must've been going out as I opened the door.
"Do you always have to squeal?"
She gave me a stubborn pout in response.
"Anyway, This is short notice, but you'll be here by yourself for a little while."
Her eyes widened and she scrambled to open her notepad. I guess she wanted to ask why.
"I got called into work."
She glance up at me for a moment then turned back to scribble on her notepad.
"But I have questions."
"They can wait."
She scribbled again,"But what if something happens? Can't i just go with you?"
"It's too dangerous with me. Trust me, you are perfectly safe here."
"Why can't I go with you? What's your job?"
"Should I tell her? Well there's not really a point in keeping it secret. That round man that I work for is the boss of a mafia."
I blinked at him,"The mafia? Is this a joke. Those guys only exist in movies and the 1920's," I went to writing in my notepad,"The mafia? What are you talking about?"
"It's exactly as I said and that's all I'm saying on it."
He turned to walk out and I scrambled to get on my feet,"Wait! I need to know more! You can't just leave it like that!"
I screamed and grabbed the back of his shirt. He whipped around to face me and I snatched my hand away. I bit my bottom lip as I looked up at him. For a split second, he had that dangerous look in his eye, but thankfully it vanished.
I scribbled on my notepad,"How long will you be gone?"
"Until late. I wouldn't be staying up and waiting."
Before I could write anything else, he was out the door. I ran out the doorway and stood at the top of the stairs to watch him leave. I rubbed my arm up and down and twiddled my toes on the floor. I didn't want him to leave. I didn't want to be alone. I was alone when I was first kidnapped and I didn't want it to happen again.
   I clambered down the stairs after him.
   Just as I opened the door, I felt arms cling around my waist. I turned to look at Jenna who had her face buried into my back. Muffled noises could be heard, but I couldn't discern whether they were just noises or her actually trying to speak.
   I sighed and placed a hand on her head and stroked her brunette hair which she still had yet to brush.
   She looked up at me. Her eyes sparkled with the beginnings of tears.
   "You have to let me go."
   She shook her head and clung tighter.
   "Jenna, if I don't go now, I'll be late."
   She let out a "mm-mm" in response. I just sighed again and forced her arms off me. I held her wrists and turned to look at her.
   Her brown eyes were filled with hurt. That look sent a sharp pain through my heart. Why did she have to remind me so much of her?
   I let go of her wrists and grabbed her shoulders.
   "You will be fine. No one comes out here. You'll be safe here. Just relax. Go rest or eat something, you need to get your strength back. Later, I'll let you ask questions."
   She nodded her head and I nodded back. Before I fully realized, I had tucked a few strands of hair back behind her ear. I snatched my hand away and turned on my heel.
   "Goodbye," I snapped as I marched over to my car.
   As I sat in the car and started the engine, my thoughts began to stir.
   "Why did I do that?"
I stood outside and watched him drive his black car until it disappeared down the driveway. I slipped back inside and closed the door and locked it. Whether someone would come or not, it just helped me feel safer. I turned to face the living room as I chewed on my bottom lip.
"Is there anything to do around here?" I looked at the tv,"I could watch a show or something," then I spotted the hallway,"or I could explore... Would he be mad? He doesn't have to know..."
Curiosity slowly began to overcome me. I made my way to the hallway,"He won't notice. He won't be back until late."
I peeked down the hall. It was small with only three doors. One on the left, one on the right then one on the end. The only door open was the left one. I walked through it and peeked it. It was a yellow room with one large window, a king-size bed with black sheets, and a desk with a closed laptop on top of it. Another door was connected to the room and I guessed it was a bathroom.
   Once more, his furniture choices were quite odd. The desk was brown and dingy. The bed had a very modern appeal to it and then there was a white dresser that was missing some knobs.
   "Well, it's a good thing he doesn't get any visitors."
   I really wanted to know more about this guy, so I went to search around for anything that might tell me something.
   I looked around his desk,"Nothing, but some files," I made sure not to dig around too much in the files. If he really did work for the mafia then it was best I stayed away from things that may be related to that.
   I peaked through his dresser,"Clothes. Just clothes," but then I opened the bottom drawer.
   "Women's clothes? Why does he have these?"
   The drawer was filled with an assortment of women's t-shirts, three dresses, and lingerie. I closed the drawer.
   "That's really strange..."
   I continued my search by taking a peek under his bed. The area was mostly littered with dust bunnies, but there was one small paper that caught my eye. I reached out and pulled it out, I noticed it wasn't just a piece of paper.
   "It's a picture."
   I turned it over to see a photo of a woman. She had a big silly grin on her face and a small gap between her two front teeth, but she made it look cute. Her curly, black hair was pulled back and she was wearing one of the dresses in the drawer. It was a sky blue one with white polkadots.
"This must be the woman who owns these clothes, but who is she?"
I flipped the photo around to try to find any writing, but nothing was there.
   I placed the photo back underneath the bed and left the room. I walked to the door on the right side of the hall. I opened it only to find a closet full of cleaning supplies.
   "Bor-ing," I closed the door then turned to face the one of the end,"What's behind door number three?" I walked to the door and opened it to find stairs leading down into pitch black darkness. Just long, empty darkness.
   My whole body froze as I stared down into the darkness. I could feel my heart jumping out of my chest. Visions of the past raced through my head and I slammed the door back shut. I collapsed to the floor and crawled over to the nearest corner, balled up, and pulled my knees to my chest.
   Just thinking about that darkness sent chills down my spine, but looking down into it reminded me of memories I wish I could forget. A moonless night. Being out alone. I wasn't even far from home, but it didn't matter. Then dark rooms and mysterious hands...
I shook my head to brush away those thoughts, but it didn't help. Night was rolling in and I was here, alone.
"What if someone just happens to come down here? What if I'm taken again? What if..."
Panic started to settle. I could feel my face go red and my body shook. I could taste my salty tears as they slid onto my lips.
"Momma... I need you..."
   I began to cry. I wanted to scream out her name, but I couldn't make a sound. The only thing I did when my mouth opened was take in a loud and shaky wheeze.

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