• Chapter one/Mill •

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6 yo

I think about it a lot. What it'll be like to time travel. I could go back to when mommy and daddy were little. I know they were little like me once which is hard to imagine. I could play games with them but I always win except one time when daddy cheated but that didn't count. I could go back and tell him not to cheat but he wouldn't care because he laughed when I caught him. I could go to the future when I'm a extra big girl. That would be weird! What if I have little babies too but for real not pretend? That'd make me a mommy! I can imagine the looks on mommy and daddy's face. But if I grew, would mommy and daddy grow too? But they're already grown up? I shake my head. This is way to confusing. At least it'll never happen because I wouldn't know what to do.

You may be very confused at this point but let me explain. Tomorrow is going to be 'the greatest achievement of all time' as daddy calls it or in simpler terms, the day time travel is first attempted. Actually, we don't know if it's the first time it's attempted because there was a race before us but we don't know what they did or what they accomplished. But, in the historia it is the first attempt. I learned that from Ms. McCully. Daddy is the one who made the time machine. He said he's been researching it for ages. Since before me or Cass, my sister, were born. Before he even met mommy but they've known each other forever right? He spent every day from sunup to sundown at his work researching and experimenting. He'd sometimes call and ask me to look up something in his office at home. I only saw him if I got up really early or stayed up really late. And when he did have days off, he spent them in his office. I can tell mommy misses him a lot when he's gone. I miss him a lot to but sometimes mommy will just sit and stare at nothing. She will just...stare. For hours. Me and Cass learned not to bother her in these times. Mommy is really sensitive, we learned.

So tomorrow I'm going to go to the event with Cass and daddy. Just the three of us. Daddy said he will have to make speeches and he will still have to work on stuff before hand but that will be ok because he will be with us during the important bits. He is going to come home early tonight and get a good sleep so he can take us tomorrow. It will be amazing! And then after the event, daddy will have forever off. Then we will never have to miss daddy ever. Never ever. I can't even imagine daddy home all the time. It will be so much different! So much better! I can hardly wait!

    I'm watching a window screen Funny Fruitsa program as it goes black. I turn around and see Cass holding the window panel wearing her crooked signature smile. I instantly smile back giggling a little. Her smile kind of looks like if you took a frown then turned it upside-down, only a slight curl at the edges, nothing to big. Her smile reminds me of mommy's. Actually everything of her's reminds me of mommy. Sometimes people would confuse them to be the same person like clones. I never get them confused though. Cause I'm a big girl and big girls can tell. They both have long blonde hair that I wish I have. sometimes if I'm sitting in public with Cass, I will put her hair over my own hair so it looks like it's my hair. It seems to fool people because they look at me then at my hair and smile. I wish I looked like them so people could get all three of us mixed so mommy and Cass wouldn't get mixed up alone. I look more like daddy because we both have dark brown hair and we both are shorter then mommy and Cass. But when I grow older, I'm sure I'll look just like Cass and mommy. I'm sure of it.

    "Mill, dad wants to talk to you." Cass sounds like mommy too. I don't know how you can sound like someone else. Like I sound like me and daddy sounds like daddy. Maybe since they look the same, they also sound the same. "It's about tomorrows event." She tosses me the telepanel which hits me in the stomach. I was always a rotten catch. I bend over and pick it up with both hands even though I am strong enough to hold it with one. I hold the the speaker to my ear.

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