• Chapter seven/Gray •

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6 yo

Everyone on the screen claps so I clap too. Mommy doesn't. Mommy is still sad about something. She's sad a lot lately but I don't see why, the event is a happy time where someone special is goes to the past. Daddy said mommy's strong so she'll be happy again soon. We'll be big strong girls together. When daddy and Cass get home, we're gonna celebrate. Hopefully mommy asks Tati to give us Henna. I love Henna. Then with the Henna, we could dance around our rooms like princesses in daddy's stories. That would certainly make mommy feel better, I'm sure of it.

    The screen flashes with words and shows high up views of the crowds and buildings of the city. A video starts playing with a man talking, explaining how the Oran works. I don't get it though and mommy says she'll explain later. I don't think she gets it either. I bet she'll ask daddy to explain for me.

    The video only lasts a minute, then it shows the crowds again.

    "Is it starting now?" I ask looking back up at mommy. She nods.

    I make a satisfying sound as I get comfortable in mommy's lap as she hugs me closer. All the speeches are over, all the company ads, all the Oran videos, all the distractions with nothing left but the event. Goose bumps appear on my arms and legs but I'm not cold. My tummy starts to flutter and my mouth makes sounds I can't stop.

    Mommy and daddy (mostly only daddy) told me stories about the day when the Oran takes off to the past. Those were my favorite days,

    "It will save the past, present and future all at the same time." He'd say.

    "Naw." I'd reply.

    "You'd better believe it. It'll save the world and who says you won't be the one piloting it?"

    It was only a game then though. It always was. I was a little girl then so I didn't understand. I always believed I was the one going to go back in time but now that I'm a big girl I understand that can't happen.

    "Oran." He'd say looking at me out of the corner of his eyes. On those nights he was always in another world. Far away from this one. "Do you know what that means Milah?" No. "It's from a lost language called Greek. It is roughly translated to hour or fixed period of time or, an abundance of time."

    "Naw Gweek."

    "Yes Greek. Greek is not a thing you'll learn about in school or anywhere else so listen to me when I tell you-."


    Mommy hated that silly talk. she always made him stop but then he'd just whisper it to me so mommy couldn't hear.

    Silly daddy whispering silly stories to a silly girl.

    He still told me the stories right up to when he left for the event. But they were always just stories. Games. I understand that now but that never stopped me from dreaming. I still do nonetheless. It's always me piloting the Oran with an adventure ahead of me. "Whoa" was always my first word as I got out of the Oran as I stared at the thousand feet tall trees and all the flowers in green fields. The ones daddy told me about in his stories. There were always lots of flowers. Then I'd find daddy and mommy waiting for me with Cass. Cass would smile and pick me up piggy back style then carry me home while I laugh the whole way.

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